Example sentences of "he [verb] neither the " in BNC.

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1 Whatever the reason he has neither the spiritual character nor the material resources to redeem Ruth .
2 ‘ You know our good Henry — he fears neither the living nor the dead .
3 Lyell resigned not because of some inherent conflict between science and religion , but because he enjoyed neither the prestige nor the remuneration he had expected from the post .
4 As the warrior Solor he possessed neither the exotic glamour of Ruzimatov nor the romantic height of Cope — and a dispassionate viewer would admit that his turban gave him an unfortunately gnome-like appearance .
5 He had neither the patience nor method to understand properly how they worked and he would not bow to any instruction other than his own perusal of certain manuals and textbooks .
6 He had neither the will nor the courage to stir .
7 He was mentioned in despatches , for having displayed the same casual courage his companions had remarked on before the war as he pursued his favourite pastime of mountaineering ( he had neither the time nor patience for golf and was reckoned by devotees to be only a fair-weather fisherman ) .
8 When James succeeded his brother Charles as king in 1685 he showed that he was willing to make the power of the Crown more effective in North America by pressing on with the creation of the Dominion of New England , but he had neither the surplus revenue nor the obedient bureaucracy needed to run a system like that applied by continental monarchs .
9 Yet he was not at this stage prepared to risk open war on their behalf ; although he disliked the peace of 1328 he had neither the resources nor the general political support for a renewal of the Scottish war .
10 He had neither the background nor the inclination for life in those institutions whose products he so roundly despised .
11 Although he had neither the time nor the opportunity to continue with his verse drama , the subject was never far from his mind .
12 Worried that the Colonel might leap into army talk for which he had neither the preparation nor the inclination , Hope let flow a hand and beckoned in all about them .
13 He had neither the fuel nor the skill to match the rotational speed of the vehicle .
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