Example sentences of "he [verb] himself [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Furthermore , modern medical training may well encourage him to see himself as a scientist applying particular skills to solve a problem , rather than as dealing with people .
2 It 's just that this other woman to whom he comes fresh enables him to see himself in a different , more exciting and rejuvenating light .
3 After his retirement , I might try to persuade him to enjoy himself by accompanying me to whatever seaside resort the Conservative party attends for its conference next October — I will ensure his safety of passage into the hall — so that he can see how few pinstripe suits there are , let alone the mythical hats of which he spoke .
4 You feel him imagining himself as the last rock of culture and civilization being swept over by a wave of barbarism and Jews ( communism and commercialism ) , the saviour of more than the Constitution , the saviour of all that has been culture , the snob of the West .
5 Out of the corner of my eye I watched him wipe himself with Kleenex tissues and drop them on the floor , indifferent to the smears of blood on them .
6 His many-sided aesthetic interests led him to surround himself with first editions , Bristol glass , mother-of-pearl knick-knacks , and , above all , his notable collection of musical boxes ( later given to the Pitt Rivers Museum , Oxford ) .
7 Where it did not , how far did it allow him to assert himself against the trustee and the property he had acquired in place of the object under trust ?
8 how far it was open to him to cover himself by insurance .
9 In relation to clauses which impose a monetary limit on damages recoverable in the event of breach of contract , the court is also to take into account : ( a ) the resources which [ the party seeking to rely on the clause ] could expect to be available to him for the purpose of meeting the liability should it arise ; and ( b ) how far it was open to him to cover himself by insurance .
10 Rain left him supporting himself against a table as she fetched her shoulder bag .
11 But this had never required him to put himself in the spotlight .
12 ‘ I suppose I 'd better see who it is , ’ he said savagely as she rolled away from him , allowing him to ease himself off the bed to gather his trousers from the floor .
13 He might have had it with him to protect himself against " an imminent and particular threat " .
14 It was not easy for him to separate himself from Marian .
15 She took the cup of tea-bag Indian and allowed him to settle himself at the large deal table covered with music scores .
16 She felt him gather himself like a beast on the powerful springs of its limbs .
17 He said that he took to writing novels to support himself and his family and to enable him to devote himself to his religious writings and poems .
18 Robbe-Grillet 's insistence upon the essentially ludic dimension of all of his fiction ( and cinema ) was also a means of escaping what might be termed the prison-house of reflexivity ; it was not uncommon to find him distancing himself from Ricardou , even during the conference devoted to his work in 1975 , at which he claimed that even his supposedly ‘ theoretical ’ utterances over the years should be construed as attempts to maintain plurality and mobility .
19 Outspoken ENB member Jim McIntegart threatened the UKCC with a High Court Injunction if it did not allow him to describe himself as an RMN .
20 She had lived to see him prove himself beyond all her expectations .
21 But the broken right shin and thigh bones did n't stop him discharging himself from hospital .
22 There was no objective standard for him to measure himself by — there never is in this kind of case , either you have the confidence in yourself , or you don't-all he could do was see himself reflected in her eyes , and it was not a pleasing portrait .
23 Rather than have him insinuate himself into the building later and perhaps annoy her neighbours , she capitulated and invited him to the flat .
24 Alfonso took the oath , but he never forgave Rodrigo for forcing him to humble himself before the rest of his vassals .
25 She was aware of him settling himself on the floor in the corner by the bench , then stiffened when he picked up one of her finished pieces .
26 I felt that she may have either directly or indirectly encouraged him to make this decision for several reasons : she was suffering ; she knew that he was n't going to leave the hospital and she accepted that ; and she did n't like seeing him talk himself into more suffering for him and for her ; and I do n't think there 's any question that in some sense she must have gotten this across to him that he ought to give up much more than anyone else .
27 Or let him damn himself with his own words ?
28 The previous incumbent , Poul Hartling — a former Danish Prime Minister — was provided with a special fund inside the ‘ education budget ’ by the Danish government for him to upgrade himself on his international travels .
29 I think there was a driving need in him to push himself to the limits , and there was a purity in the desert and in the Arabs as a race which appealed to him . ’
30 Billie crawled over to Adam , who was still yelling loudly , and knelt next to him , waiting for him to bring himself under control .
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