Example sentences of "i thank [pron] for " in BNC.

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1 I thank everyone for their co-operation , especially my husband Eric Smith who was consistently supportive .
2 I thank him for a speedy and compassionate response .
3 I thank him for his most generous tribute to our former colleague Richard Holt , who will be remembered by hon. Members on both sides of the House with considerable affection .
4 I am grateful for the opportunity to enlighten the hon. Gentleman , and I thank him for his question .
5 And when , as shadow education spokesman , I was a frontline campaigner in the nineteen eighty seven election , it was the G M B which provided me with the necessary facilities to carry out that role , and I thank them for it .
6 We have enjoyed the loyal and industrious support of our employees throughout and I thank them for their individual contributions to the year 's achievements . ’
7 I know of my hon. Friend 's deep interest in the affairs of the Province and I thank her for it .
8 If poor Mrs Cecil had been less lethargic , she might have wished to echo George Washington 's last words , addressed to his physician : ‘ I thank you for your attentions ; but I pray you take no more trouble about me .
9 I thank you for sending me Molly Leapor .
10 ‘ 'T IS true , I thank you for your Gold ;
11 Paul could n't get over how his headmaster had been just to see him which made him feel very important which I thank you for .
12 I thank you for the honour , Duart , ’ Hector said formally .
13 I thank you for your sympathy , my children .
14 I thank you for your support , lady , ’ she said , gasping slightly .
15 I thank you for setting me right , my dear . ’
16 I thank you for all your prayers and support over many years and look forward to these 2 years in and around the fellowship .
17 I thank you for that assurance , my lord , ’ said the queen-dowager tremulously , drawing closer the still-sleeping prince .
18 I thank you for taking the trouble to share your concerns with me , and hope that you will find the response reassuring .
19 Father in heaven , I thank you for your great love which banishes fear from my life .
20 It was Aggie who now rose first from her chair and so bringing the conversation to an end by saying , ‘ Well , ma'am , I thank you for your hospitality , and also for your kindness to the child .
21 This on reflection is what I think education is all about : not the mere acquisition of knowledge and passing of exams — though I thank you for your help in that area too — but the ability to stand on my own two feet intellectually .
22 As to my … period of meditation , there are mental disciplines in which I fear you 're sorely lacking , Grimbo , though I thank you for rubbing life back into my limbs . ’
23 At the same time , I would warn Obair * , the same as I would warn anybody setting up a scheme , to make sure that the scheme is properly run , to make sure that the scheme is n't used to take jobs away from either the domestics , the home helps or any other jobs in the health service — make sure that abuse is taken away and I certainly wish them luck in the future and I thank you for inviting me here to speak .
24 But I thank You for giving me this sight of a life of Truth .
25 Then she added softly ‘ I thank you for your help .
26 ‘ I know , Shai Tung , and again I thank you for your concern .
27 And I thank you for your advice .
28 So I thank you for your ideas , but remember that this small country is ours , not yours .
29 I thank you for your concern .
30 ‘ Your Grace , ’ he replied hoarsely , ‘ I thank you for your gift and your message . ’
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