Example sentences of "i consider [conj] [art] " in BNC.

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1 In these circumstances I consider that a fair and useful inquest can be held .
2 A woman tractor driver , Ms G. Serzhantovich , said : ‘ I consider that the formation of an independent Lithuanian Communist Party will lead to its annihilation .
3 I consider that the defence open to a person as defined in s.94(5)4 relates solely to summary proceedings … and in my view it can not avail the defendants in s.100 ’ .
4 In my case , growing up just before the new wave of feminism , I consider that the transition from adolescence to adulthood was effected by participation in a strong peer group of girls at school .
5 Some of these have been appropriately criticized , but I consider that the characters listed in Box 2 are well established as hominoid synapomorphies shared by Proconsul .
6 I consider that the idea of charging for The Lifeboat to be very reasonable .
7 My Lords , I consider that the principle in Lace v. Chantler [ 1944 ] K.B .
8 Having said this , I consider that the Commission is right when it argues that to require all owners and operators of British fishing vessels to have their residence in the United Kingdom goes beyond what is permitted under article 52 of the E.E.C .
9 Assuming without deciding that the privilege of self-incrimination can be used to prevent a process being set in train ‘ which may lead to incrimination or the discovery of real evidence of an incriminating character ’ I consider that the defendants are sufficiently safeguarded in the circumstances of this case .
10 Whether or not there is an agreement must depend on the facts of the particular case , and whether or not the decision of Vaisey J. was correct I consider that the facts of the present case , including as they do the letters of 12 June and 15 September 1986 , are not consistent with an agreement on the lines suggested .
11 I consider that the foregoing reason of Windeyer J. accords better with prior authority such as Slater v. Burnley Corporation , 59 L.T. 636 , and is to be preferred .
12 Accordingly I consider that the degree of international recognition of an alleged government is a relevant factor in assessing whether it exists as the government of a state .
13 I consider that the judge did not have the material before him on which to find that there was a grave risk that the child would be placed in an intolerable situation if the court were to order his return to Canada .
14 Although the later words of section 63(2) provide that the expense incurred in , or in connection with , the provision of a benefit includes a proper proportion of any expense relating partly to the benefit and partly to other matters , I consider that the expenses incurred in provision of places for fee paying pupils were wholly incurred in order to provide those places .
15 My Lords , because I consider that the decision of the visitor was right I concur in the order proposed by your Lordships that this appeal should be dismissed .
16 With some hesitation and comforted by the passage from the speech of Lord Hailsham L.C. [ in [ 1972 ] A.C. 741 at 757–758 ] , to which I have referred , I consider that the modern approach to the question of consideration would be that where there were benefits derived by each party to a contract of variation even though one party did not suffer a detriment this would not be fatal to the establishing of sufficient consideration to support the agreement .
17 I 'll call for a vote for quite clear I am going to stick to what I 've said that I consider that the amendment has been proposed it can be if it 's to be accepted it can then be accepted by the Committee as a whole
18 I consider that the A sixty four south erm corridor should be eliminated from consideration for the following reasons .
19 I want to start by emphasizing again that er I consider that the amount of traffic relief afforded to the A sixty one would be relatively low .
20 In all the circumstances I consider that the proper course is not to find if there 's any windfall element of the plaintiff 's parents and therefore to ignore such arguments .
21 In particular I think it should be recognised that the role of the unions , NALGO and G M D in helping that process of change has been quite fundamental and for that reason , because we appreciate and value the essential way in which the unions have contributed to the process of changing the organisation I consider that the they much trailed proposals from the opposition groups to cut , or in the other case , to reduce the NALGO office are quite misguided .
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