Example sentences of "i had meet [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It was a characteristic I had noticed in most of the Germans I had met since being shot down .
2 But what really made the difference was that I got engaged to a girl called Jane Wilde , whom I had met about the time I was diagnosed with ALS .
3 The memory was triggered by talk of a young woman I had met on one trip who showed me Dyrhólæy and the sea pinnacles of Reynisdrangar near Vik .
4 On the return journey from Fairbanks to Edmonton I enjoyed a two-day stopover in Whitehorse where the manager of the new cinema , whom I had met on the way north , looked me up .
5 If she had n't approached me first I doubt I should have recognised her , she was so different from the plump , fresh-faced girl whom I had met on the train that January morning more than three years ago .
6 He did not recognize me but I knew he was the gentleman I had met on the stairs when visiting Miss Havisham .
7 Others I had met at the Commando Training Centre in the Scottish Highlands .
8 Just as I was writing this book I received a beautiful card from Sue Fuller whom I had met at the Town and Country Festival last year .
9 I had become quite skilled with harees , that glutinous porridge of lamb and cracked wheat which I had met at my first meal bedu style .
10 I sat in the café as the rain showed no sign of letting up and drew up a short list of people I had met with whom I could air my perplexity .
11 Lili and I were silent and I wondered for a moment how I would be feeling if I was going to marry the man I loved — had loved , I amended in my mind , for surely even I could n't be so idiotic as to love still where I had met with such treachery .
12 I explained that I worked during the winter for a golf-mad stockbroker called Andrew Buccleuth whom I had met during my year on the amateur circuit .
13 As I looked at him sitting opposite me on the floor of the trench , I was fascinated by his resemblance to the other Commandos I had met over the past five days .
14 But I was one with the solitaries of the spirit , too : with St Teresa and St John of the Cross as well as with humbler dissidents like Jordi and one or two other men of the working class I had known in Spain , the young bank clerk I had met in Cordoba the previous spring , among the orange and lilac blossom of Las Tendillas , where we walked and whispered , hardly daring to look at one another , and separating at the sight of police .
15 He did not share my passion for Frank O'Hara , Robert Duncan , Denise Levertov ( whom I had met in London and Paris ) , James Merrill and the early Pound ; nor did I agree with his high estimate of Robert Lowell , Howard Nemerov and T.S .
16 He was of Italian stock , as was the proprietor of a blues recording studio I had met in the Deep South of America .
17 Bill was an American photographer I had met in Nicaragua .
18 I would walk north to south , with the wind on my back , and raise sponsorship for the sort of people I had met in Nigeria .
19 This was the Old Red I had heard about , and not the man I had met in the subway .
20 Nye Bevan I had met in the 1950s — again through George Wigg — and had come to know almost intimately .
21 But before I went to Luggnagg , an official I had met in Lagado persuaded me to visit the small island of Glubbdubdrib .
22 He and I had met in Birmingham , Alabama , while he was news director of WBRC-TV and I was news director of WSGN radio .
23 I had met in London in the 1960's .
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