Example sentences of "i have set [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 As you can see I have set up a set of equations which can be summarized in the following formulae :
2 ‘ Why else would I have set up my workshop near Killearn ? ’
3 Once I had set up my basic ingredients , I then started working with the group at the bottom of the picture .
4 My experience of working with other nationalities both at Wilhelmshaven and later , when with David Wheeler I had set up the German Fishery Protection Service in the Baltic , also taught me some fundamental lessons .
5 There was no support for reducing the network and the position that I had set out in 1979 remained the Government 's policy .
6 Months before the CPRS report came to ministers , therefore , we had reviewed the options and indeed in July 1982 I had set out the Government 's position , after consultation with the Treasury .
7 ‘ As I dealt with the conditions and consequences of affluence , ’ he explained , ‘ under which the existence of the poor had been buried , the poverty I had set out to write about got pushed further and further towards the back of the book .
8 I had set out on my walking tour of France in search of tranquillity .
9 On another occasion I had set out alone across Peterhead Outer Harbour with our 17ft Searider to fetch the rummage crew off a ship when careless stowage of the bow rope resulted in the trailing end catching the propeller .
10 This is what I had set out for last week . ’
11 I 've set up my own production company now to harness the talent that 's in the city and bring more media business to Birmingham .
12 If I 've set up the play that leads to goals , that 's OK by me . ’
13 I do n't know whether this is due to the way I 've set up my AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS files ( I 've allowed some memory for Expanded and Extended memory ) or the machine itself .
14 Actually , it 's a very pleasant way to work — I 've set up one room for word processing and another for screenshot manipulation , so I can switch back and forth between the two whilst I 'm writing captions .
15 Last year was the centenary of the Borough Charters , so on the one hand I was trying to restore the traditions of the thing — erm we tried to reintroduce some of the pomp and ceremonial — and then on the other hand I felt that the mayoralty often did n't seem terribly relevant to people of my generation , and so I tried to involve a lot of young people in various activities and the offshoot of that has been a Youth Advisory Committee which I 've set up , which at the moment is in the process of trying to negotiate with the County Council for some premises to try and increase the sort of Youth Club type evening provision in the town .
16 ‘ You mean I 've set off the alarms ?
17 Er and that 's I think the basis of the erm strategy I 've set out in my statement to the examination in public .
18 I have set up a Mormark Microlite 13 foot float rod , a Shimano 2500S reel loaded with 2 lb Maxima coupled with a 1.5 lb Double Strength hook length .
19 I have noticed , once the fish have begun feeding and I have set up a steady rhythm with the swimfeeder , that the crucial time for getting bites is up to thirty seconds after the ‘ feeder has hit the surface .
20 I recently bought a 4ft aquarium , which I have set up as a community tank .
21 In the meantime , I have set up a three foot tank with a mature filter , coral gravel and rockwork ready for the fry .
22 This causes him to fold down the top half of the newspaper , to see if I have set off , and to lose his place .
23 I have set down the following experience as one that has haunted me for many years .
24 As you suggested , I have set down what significance I think this experience has for me .
25 For the reasons which I have set out I consider that Morland J. was wrong , both not to apply article 10 and to hold that the Derbyshire County Council could sue for libel .
26 I have set out below section 6 as originally enacted , italicising the words deleted by the Act of 1988 and placing the words added by the Act of 1988 in square brackets :
27 He concluded — on broadly similar grounds to those which I have set out in this judgment — that the jurisdiction of the court was purely supervisory , or , in other words , that the decision of the local authority on the suitability of the accommodation provided could only be challenged by way of proceedings for judicial review .
28 It is clear from the more general observations which I have set out with regard to the actual concept of establishment within the meaning of the E.E.C .
29 I have set out below a brief paragraph in respect of each question which you could use in your replies , however I would be grateful if you would qualify any replies to indicate that these are general answers and that any specific queries on individual cases should be referred to the Council Tax Section at Chesser House or myself .
30 I have set out our determination to work for that agreement and the principles on which the agreement will need to be based .
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