Example sentences of "i have the impression " in BNC.

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1 I had the impression that unlike the principled left , Crossman did not ever quite make up his mind whether or not to crawl for office . ’
2 I had the impression that she was shouting upstairs , and I seemed to hear footsteps tripping lightly down to the phone .
3 I had the impression , though , that he was not a happy man .
4 So in the summer of 1944 , as a result of information supplied by the regiment , I had the impression that Leslie and his men had actually dropped into France , and that their fate thereafter was unknown .
5 I had the impression they did no more than glance in as they passed , as Filmer was saying ‘ … when we get to Winnipeg . ’
6 Ahmed : When I joined the organization in March 1983 I had the impression that though my colleagues could deal with my ethnicity as a factor in our relationship , they were rather baffled about how to incorporate my sexuality into our work relationship .
7 I had the impression that there were hands anxious to tidy up , but never succeeding .
8 I had the impression that Helmut no longer liked me much .
9 Sometimes I had the impression he was observing us .
10 I had the impression that unless you were famous there was little money to be made from art .
11 At once I had the impression that we were two actors with the same doubts about the director .
12 And it did n't worry him when he got into the sensitive parts with his drill ; my strangled cries were of no avail and he carried on remorselessly to the end : I had the impression that Hector thought it was cissy to feel pain , or maybe he was of the opinion that suffering was good for the soul .
13 I had the impression the statue extended through the upper floors .
14 I had the impression — fleeting , I grant you — that the photo had come from one of the pockets .
15 The little girl seemed to be with a group , the carriage was dense with bulky figures , and I had the impression someone was trying to get her away from the window .
16 I had the impression of a cautious , reflective man , who would take his work seriously and perform what was required of him to the best of his ability .
17 Also , I had the impression that Victor Frankenstein was purely an invented character ; however , recent events have somewhat shaken my preconceptions of probability !
18 From the first moment I set eyes on Frankenstein , at the hotel in Sècheron , I had the impression of a man with a burdensome secret .
19 ‘ He 's going to follow it up but I had the impression he was only so interested .
20 In June , I had the impression the world 'd turned puce ,
21 I had the impression that if he did n't come through on this one soon his position was going to be in very grave danger .
22 I had the impression that you did n't see eye to eye on how the club should be run . ’
23 ‘ I thought they must have had a quarrel , ’ Brand said , and I had the impression he was n't heartbroken about it . ’
24 I had the impression that they had reached a moment of reflection in some important exchange .
25 I had the impression
26 And I had the impression that , he just adopted this child through sheer sorrow and sympathy for her but , did not say , erm , categorically that that was his .
27 I had the impression of a marble statue , of a Roman senator in a museum .
28 But I have the impression that Ursula was very much her own heroine .
29 I have the impression that the novels of Phyllis Bottome are now little read , though I remember my mother borrowing them from the local library in Barnsley in the 1930s , and speaking of them with respect .
30 I have the impression that , for the FIA , the penalty is too heavy for the supposed offence , ’ Peter said .
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