Example sentences of "[indef pn] [Wh det] [verb] [prep] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In principle at least , no one disagreed with Kerschensteiner when he said that the education given should not be ‘ a mere trade or industrial training in the narrower sense of these words ’ , but should involve ‘ everything which leads to a wider outlook and a broader life ’ .
2 Late in 1950 the French Minister of Agriculture , Pierre Pflimlin , announced at the Council of Europe — and proposed later in March 1951 to the non-member states of Austria , Portugal and Switzerland — something which amounted to a second Schuman Plan , in that it contained similar ultimate objectives : a common market directed by supranational institutions .
3 Or , if not the wrong thing , then something which touched upon a sensitive area .
4 At the same time a change of register is always a relief , and a theme which is ‘ opened out ’ over a wide span has a greater emotional potential than one which stays in a small area .
5 One which looked like a ringed plover but with a brown tinge to its less contrasty plumage turned out to be greater sand plover , which breeds on the desert plains of Mongolia .
6 Our main conceptual framework in the first part of the research is one which builds upon a dual understanding of marriage as both relationship and institution .
7 Instead of what we might call a vertical analysis of society — one which builds upon a single kind of term — Althusser attributes a horizontal analysis to Marx .
8 On the Von Neumann computer the only conditional jump instruction was one which tested for a non-negative value in the accumulator .
9 The point here is that we do not have an applicable criterion of a correct verdict other than the one which results from a fair trial ( Rawls , 1972 , pp. 83–9 ) .
10 Silas ignored the comment and went out to the car to collect her case , returning with a particularly large one which hinted of a lengthy stay .
11 Moving tones are more common ; if English speakers want to say ‘ yes ’ or ‘ no ’ in a definite , final manner they will probably use a falling tone — one which descends from a higher to a lower pitch .
12 The haiku was one which ended with a downward cut , followed by a single outward thrust .
13 There is often a fast turnover of patients especially if the surgical ward is one which deals with a large number of minor procedures , which involve only one night in hospital or for which the patient is admitted as a " day case " .
14 This dual emphasis on the reader and on analysis of texts in units larger than a sentence seems to offer the beginnings at least of a new approach to text research , one which moves beyond a correlational approach to readability and starts instead to identify causal relationships between aspects of texts and difficulties in comprehension .
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