Example sentences of "[indef pn] [vb mod] [vb infin] [verb] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Someone should have shut you in a hospital for the criminally insane and thrown away the key . ’
2 Someone should have told me about the local MIND and the National Schizophrenia Fellowship and what they could offer .
3 ‘ Two men … someone must have let them in the front door … they took Jacqui … ’
4 Someone must have known him at Emmanuel , ’ added the Archdeacon .
5 Toilet seats are propped up against the wall , in the unlikely event that someone might want to buy them in a country where hygiene is pathological .
6 ‘ Thank you … and you know , I think someone might have slipped something in my drink . ’
7 From time to time she glanced suspiciously around as if afraid someone might try to grab it off her .
8 Agreeing with other councillors that someone might be able to find a use for such items , especially now that cast iron baths are now in fashion , the chairman wondered if someone might consider using it for horses .
9 The other girls went together in a group but I was on my own , and I suppose someone could have followed me from the dance …
10 ‘ And I think that someone would like to dance it with me , ’ she said , as Herman , lured by the smile , came across and with a ludicrous bow , asked Erika if she would do him the honour of the dance , Erika graciously accepting , to her delight leaving Fritz looking disconsolate and unhappy .
11 Old people in particular often ensure each night before they go to bed that their house is tidy and their last instructions are by their bed in case they should die in the night and someone will have to find them in the morning .
12 Everyone 'll want to favour us with a well-wishing .
13 Somebody must 've left it by mistake .
14 Nobody could have blamed him for trying it on , could they ?
15 You know nobody would have prevented you from going .
16 The monstrous irony is that as long as he does n't place bolts nobody will bother accusing him of environmental vandalism .
17 If he could have pulled her into his arms at that moment he knew nothing could have stopped him from making love to her .
18 Back in London after that trip she said : ‘ Nothing could have prepared me for the agony of seeing countless dying children .
19 The houses looked completely different from those in Trieste , most of which were grey and severe , and although I had seen picture postcards of Venice nothing could have prepared me for what I now saw for the first time from the steps of the railway station .
20 But nothing could have prepared her for the intimacy of the pictures .
21 Just for a moment he met her eyes , his own very dark and filled with something that made her heart start to beat rapidly , high in her throat , yet nothing could have prepared her for the shock of what he said .
22 Mandy had warned her that storms came up fast on the lake , but nothing could have prepared her for blue skies being annihilated by black storm-clouds in just a matter of minutes .
23 Nothing could have prepared her for the beauty they had just shared , and she knew that for as long as she lived she would never regret giving herself to this man .
24 Nothing in our four days on the felucca with this sullen boy had prepared us for this , as nothing could have prepared him for that afternoon in Asyut .
25 Nothing could have prepared him for its response .
26 We expected a big postbag but nothing could have prepared us for the fantastic response we received !
27 Although having accustomed ourselves to ‘ polyfilla based nutrition ’ nothing could have prepared us for the fish which was served at one of the so-called meals .
28 Nothing could have prepared us for Holmes ( named after Sherlock Holmes as his ears resembled the detectives hat ) .
29 It was so obvious that he marvelled that none should have seen it before him .
30 But that one should have believed something in a hypothetical situation may and often is used as part of an argument to establish what one should now believe .
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