Example sentences of "[indef pn] [vb past] [to-vb] [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 And everyone tried to climb on the bandwagon .
2 He stopped , and there was a pause , and then someone started to clap at the back of the studio , and George , who had been sitting with his chin on his chest , impassively listening , looked up .
3 Someone resolved to escape from the rainboy alliance of layabouts , conmen and weird minorities who have given Labour such a bad name . ’
4 My father-in-law died and someone had to look after the business .
5 But no-one seemed to care about the cost — Rome was too busy surfing on spumante , giddy with the success of its new plaything .
6 This defect was ingeniously got over by developing a hardener which could be painted by itself on to one half of the joint while the glue was painted on the other half , nothing began to happen in the glue until the two halves were brought together .
7 If only one stopped to look at the shape of the garment and the stitch used , it might well be just what we have been looking for !
8 Digital Equipment Corp was the most obvious absentee from the Common Open Software Environment jamboree last week ( CI No 2,130 ) : was it , as some have said , that DEC was steering clear of anything that might damage Microsoft 's Windows NT ? — apparently not — DEC says it was simply that no one invited to join until the day before the launch .
9 Something seemed to move in the distance .
10 Witness Gordon Ansty , 27 , said : ‘ Something seemed to fall off the cockpit . ’
11 After that everything seemed to happen in a hurry . ’
12 ‘ I did n't think much of it at first , but then something started to waft around the corridors , ’ shudders Bea .
13 Everything went to plan in the opening stages with the Republic piling forward and causing all sorts of anxiety in the Lithuanian defence .
14 Two children ( the combatants ) each chose a ‘ soldier ’ and held battle until one managed to chop off the head of his opponent .
15 The boys were big time , but we had to have the sound system , the lighting , the stage — everything had to move at the pace of David 's imagination .
16 He could n't string Fly 's presence and his doubts together long enough to know what one had to do with the other .
17 Perseverance is required to understand the story and one had to read between the lines to find the book 's full meaning .
18 There one had to stand for a moment while one 's name was read out — then another little push — a curtsey and four steps forward to just below the Queen .
19 One had to work on the opposition 's weaknesses .
20 James , however , held the unwavering view that it was amongst the weak and the exploited where one had to look for the root of historical change .
21 It meant only that one had to stay inside the school and stroll through the grounds a couple of times .
22 No one wanted to go to the dog 's house .
23 Because if one wanted to get into the house unheard , one would n't cross the gravel , but approach the house from the rear , or the far side .
24 I crawled out from under the back of the tractor just in case anybody thought to peer into the barn , and was about to use the lawn-mower for cover when my foot caught something hard and suddenly I was face down on the ground again .
25 Well in those days everybody was afraid and erm oh it was a blow if anybody had to go to the Valley .
26 R : in those days + when we were young + there was no local fire engine here + it was just a two-wheeled trolley which was kept in the borough + in the borough eh store down on James Street + and whenever a fire broke out + it was just a question of whoever saw the fire first yelling ‘ Fire ’ + and the nearest people ran for the trolley and how they got on with it goodness knows + nobody was trained in its use + anyway everybody knew to go for the trolley + well + when we were children + we used to use this taw [ t– : ] + it smouldered furiously + black thick smoke came from it and we used to get it burning + and then go to a letter box and just keep blowing + open the letter box + and just keep blowing the smoke in + you see + till you 'd fill up the lower part of the house with nothing but smoke + there was no fire + but just fill it up with smoke + just to put the breeze up + just as a joke + and then of course + when somebody would open a window or a door the smoke would come pouring out + and then + everybody was away then for the trolley + we just stood and watched all of them + +
27 Everybody liked to get in the limelight .
28 Andrew said : ‘ Everybody had to go through a medical before the show and if they were not up to it , they did not go in — we had to be very careful because of their health and safety . ’
29 His dad who was always popping in asking if anyone wanted to come down the pub — he was always off to the pub — also wrote the lyrics to our first song , ‘ Scarface ’ They were truly horrendous : ‘ Scarface , scarface , scarred from ear to ear , Scarface , the girls do n't even care .
30 The books , the prints , the articles , the parodies , the paintings , the poetry — everyone wanted to go to the Lakes and of course the war with the French had made it all but impossible for most people to travel abroad .
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