Example sentences of "[indef pn] [vb past] [verb] [pron] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Since someone tried to kill him with a parcel bomb back in Lusaka , he 's moved several times and today still goes in fear of his life .
2 Its windows and doors had been sealed up with breeze-blocks but the Koranic inscription beneath the roof remained and someone had painted it in the past ten years .
3 Then when we met again , you would be full of all you had done — a ride on your motor bike to Alba de Tormes or Ledesma , a strange church you had discovered , or a new book someone had sent you from the States .
4 She felt as though someone had pushed her off the pleasant , grassy path on which she had been walking , and down a vast , black cliff-face .
5 For the first time in over forty years someone had humbled him on the board he considered his own .
6 And seeing that someone had joined them in the chapel , he pinched Caterina 's cheek , and lightly slapping her shoulder , said aloud , ‘ Away with you , find someone else to pester . ’
7 He gasped as though someone had stabbed him through the heart .
8 Marie felt her legs give way beneath her , she sat down on the edge of the pavement , feet in the gutter , doubled-up , sick and winded as if someone had punched her in the stomach .
9 And yet he could have sworn that someone had tapped him on the shoulder .
10 Someone had taken it to a French jeweller after the war and tried to sell it .
11 Someone had put them in a box and thrown them into the canal .
12 He came back from London and someone had to tell him at the station .
13 Somebody tried to phone her at the flat .
14 If someone was looking for The Bar in those days — because there was no name written up or sign for it , no lights at all , and not even a number on the door , Madame liked to keep it that way even when she did n't have to any more — I mean when she opened up we may all have been in a sort of hiding , and not many people knew about The Bar and our life there , but it was n't that way later , and now you know we can have lights and advertising and you see boys queueing up outside every night , very public , and I like to see that — but in those days , in those days if somebody arranged to meet you for a date there , and it was their first time and they were n't sure how to find us , you 'd joke with them , and you 'd say well first there is a wedding , and then there 's a death , and there 's the news , and then there 's us ; meaning , first there 's the shop with the flowers , the real ones , and next door to that is the undertaker 's with the fake flowers in the window , china , all dusty ; and then the newsagent 's and magazine shop , and then right next door to that is The Bar .
15 I remember when I was out on the road , I had a particular connection with , we had a motor bike policy , and it was an appalling risk , and it came up for renewal , and er , nobody had take it round the market , and I mean , that that was an idol threat , because nobody in their right mind would want this particular motor and we said , well not if they want to jack up the premium on it , they wanted to jack it up by about thirty or forty per cent , and and the broker was not very happy about this .
16 Yeah , somebody had told us about a place to go to , asking the bloody earth they were !
17 Somebody had put it in the drawer .
18 I asked her , " Would you mind if I have a boyfriend ? " and she said " It depends " and I said " What if I said somebody wanted to take me to the pictures ? " and it was , " If a boy wants to take you to the pictures , he 's only alter one thing .
19 Somebody wanted to buy it as a non-worker but I said well I said we 'd ordered a part for it so
20 It felt like Checkpoint Charlie , but in fact no one tried to stop you except the alkies lurching up off their piss-stained benches with some story about needing the bus fare back home to Sheffield .
21 The survey also made me realise that it was not enough to have read about the early beginnings of any religion ; one needed to study it as a living faith and see the development of thought and interpretation .
22 No one had said anything for a long time .
23 And if one had to put oneself in a vulnerable situation , like rugging or grooming him , the handler had to carry a cane .
24 Streets which had looked short on the map seemed endless when one had to walk them with a suitcase .
25 But I 've got a lot of time for Tom Clarke , he 's a nice man and it would be absolutely disgusting if anyone tried to dump him at the moment . ’
26 Nothing had prepared me for the overwhelming architectural beauty of Salamanca , and in particular for the grandeur of the university , the oldest in Spain and one of the oldest in Europe , with its noble façade in plateresque style .
27 But nothing had prepared her for the angry letter she received from the Duke of Edinburgh , says Morton .
28 But nothing had prepared her for the monumental size and sheer glamour of the building .
29 However , nothing had prepared us for the abundance and variety of scallops , mussels , every species in the shrimp to lobster continuum as well as some very funny-looking goose-neck barnacles .
30 Every officer must have noticed the figurines , yet no-one had considered them as a possible murder weapon .
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