Example sentences of "[indef pn] [adj] [conj] [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 In a dinner queue yes , someone collapsing and dying in the dinner queue is rather absurd and it 's also very
2 Which opened wider , throwing a long and somehow bizarre shape of light across the alley , everything exaggerated and distorted including the elongated and backlit shadow moving out within its frame …
3 So what happens if we do something similar and look at the world through a single object — the humble apple , for instance ?
4 There was something dark and threatening in the look — Ach , she was imagining it !
5 The hours of the examination are not something distinct and separate from the rest of your preparation , but are more like the final short sprint to the tape .
6 Individuals regard their own tasks as something distinct and divorced from the organisation as a whole .
7 There was something bookish and appealing about the old lady , but we had no time to get acquainted , for brisk Mary pointed me on my way .
8 I 'd also write down everything important that happened over the years , so that students of history would come to me for help .
9 Either save it and get something top-of-the-range or stay with the cheap one if it works .
10 What is shared in these reflections is something experienced and known through the atmosphere of peace , joy and unity , present in the small group communities .
11 A big woman , bigger than her husband , nothing cowed or mean about the way she stood .
12 The actors made the play very exciting and left everybody astounded and intrigued with the way they performed and to add to this the stage really set the scene with the back drops and props .
13 There was nothing shabby or worn about the close-fitting blue coat or the buckskin breeches ; and the starched neckcloth — no longer as neat as it might have been — and the ruffles to his shirt-sleeves were of the finest linen .
14 Nearer the cottage the soldiers had set up an infestation grid , the dull mauve light attracting anything small and winged from the surrounding meadows .
15 Nobody thinks there 's anything warped or convoluted about the arrangement .
16 It is necessary first to consider an argument which has throughout been presented by the Attorney-General as decisive ; namely , that the answer to this question must inevitably be negative because the district judge had no power , or no power that he could properly exercise , to do anything other than proceed with the cases assigned to his court , without any regard at all to the pendency of the B.M.F.L. prosecution , destined for committal to the High Court .
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