Example sentences of "it [modal v] look at " in BNC.

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1 We can not say what the scope of such a review should be in respect of the machinery 's wider preoccupations , but we think that it should look at two aspects in particular .
2 The government has to get money from somewhere , and it is logical that it should look at the whole area of VAT .
3 Really the Council is in a position where it must act upon complaint , and it must look at the complaints and comments that 's been received .
4 It might look at the purpose of the rule , and imply a term which , though not amending the rule , supplemented it sufficiently to change its emphasis — perhaps by holding that it was not meant to apply after the introduction of the cash-settled contracts .
5 First Price , a retailer selling the nightdress , said it would look at buying from abroad instead if this happened .
6 It will look at ways of structuring set and improvised material with an emphasis on rhythm , timing and melody .
7 It will look at the current status of DIP , and outline the pros and cons of implementing systems in areas like insurance , law , local government and credit cards .
8 Run by the Greater London Association of Disabled People , it will look at a broad range of disability issues as they affect disabled women .
9 The new machines will run both its proprietary VOS and its FTX System V.4-based fault-tolerant Unix and it will look at Microsoft Corp 's Windows NT : applications will be compatible across all the three hardware environments .
10 This chapter will follow the same pattern as Chapter 4 , but this time it will look at the views and experiences of students in English and communications .
11 It will look at the parallels between the humanities students ' viewpoint and the science students ' viewpoint , exploring similarities and differences .
12 It will look at the part played by pressure groups in the system , and it will examine the case that has been made for regarding democracy as significantly undermined by ‘ political elites ’ .
13 I hope , therefore , that it will look at the opportunities for expanding the scheme .
14 It will look at the motivations of different family members , and identify the ways families negotiate the division of business and household work .
15 In particular it will look at the work experiences of these workers , their occupational backgrounds and skill levels .
16 It will look at life histories of family members , the distribution of resources , and the activities and routines of family life in order to illuminate how beliefs , values , attitudes , expectations and patterns of behaviour are transmitted between family members .
17 Using survey and field observation methods , it will look at the role played by professionals in the provision of social support to families who are socially disadvantaged and will also consider the relationship between different types of social support and the ability of families to cope with personal difficulties .
18 In particular , it will look at long-term changes which have affected the structure of jobs available to young people .
19 It will look at the historical principles of design of large gardens and their application to the smaller domestic garden .
20 When the court comes to assess damages for an injury , however , it will look at the position as it is at the date of the trial .
21 It will look at the entirety of the obligations undertaken by the firm and determine the nature of the relationship from the whole contract construed in the light of its commercial context rather than from a few words in the contract .
22 It will look at the way the assessment process is working , and that would certainly uncover if there are wide variations in the eligibility criteria being used by different authorities ’ .
23 There is and the County Council has indicated that if circumstances change , er then it can look at this again .
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