Example sentences of "it [modal v] be before " in BNC.

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1 It should be before Tracey goes .
2 They had come out of the Hearing without their children , and without knowing how long it might be before they were able to be together again .
3 You said when we bought those bloody birds last Christmas , ‘ I wonder how long it 'll be before we 're yanking all this apart again and halving the furniture and carving up the doves . ’
4 I mean , you do n't know how long it 'll be before you get something suitable …
5 He wondered how long it would be before they gave up going to the clearing altogether .
6 Madame wondered how long it would be before Boy got his hair cropped short so that he looked just like the others .
7 Once he looked at his watch to see how long it would be before he was relieved .
8 ‘ I wondered how long it would be before you young buggers came sniffing around , ’ he said , with a belly laugh , and looked at Yanto .
9 After supper Uncle Bill would put me , as he always did , in the big double bed in the room next the kitchen , and then he 'd leave the door open , and I 'd lie and listen to him and Bernard yarning , wondering how soon it would be before they got into bed , one on either side of me .
10 I was wondering how long it would be before Caesar followed Captain 's example and took a bite out of Junior .
11 The knot in her stomach tightened as she wondered how long it would be before the Cap'n discovered where Midnight was hiding .
12 I hung up the plastic sheet I had left soaking , rolled away those that had dried , scrubbed dried plaster from the table with the special remover , and wondered wearily how much longer it would be before the scent of wet plaster stopped reminding me of Marcus .
13 Likely what hundreds of others had to do : wonder , and think , and stick their fingers in their ears ; some , on the other hand , might even ask themselves how long it would be before they could try it .
14 In the final game Waikato took the honours 28–24 , leafing Rugby Canada to wonder just how long it would be before they won for the first time on New Zealand soil .
15 I wondered how long it would be before I saw England again .
16 I wondered how long it would be before I was doing the things portrayed in the photos .
17 She wondered how long it would be before Kathy grew alarmed If Clare was n't home and had n't telephoned by two o'clock — or three at the latest — she reckoned that Kathy might phone the police , who would surely find her before long .
18 I wondered how long it would be before I stopped loving him .
19 Jimmy watched him , wondering how long it would be before he met up with this guy again on the street .
20 She raised her hands behind her , grasped the brass rails of the bed-head , and squeezed them tightly , wondering how long it would be before Felipe came in with her breakfast .
21 From time to time that evening she was visited by the sight of the lake with its gold fretwork of fish ; she wondered how many years it would be before she could go to that place with equanimity .
22 The skin , he noted , was still tinged golden — that faint tone which signified to those in the know that he had been subjected to the bi-annual treatment of Longivex , the Imperial longevity drug which , because of the rarity of the poppy from which it was produced , was restricted to the élite , the favoured few such as the royal family , the privileged , the very rich — and he frowned as he wondered how long it would be before the absence of the drug showed in his physique and appearance .
23 Already they would be consulting their watches , calculating how long it would be before he could make it .
24 She had on her housecoat , which offered a fair display of bosom , and Wycliffe wondered how long it would be before she found a successor for the undertaker .
25 She wondered how long it would be before Rebecca paid her nocturnal visit to the flat .
26 He wondered how long it would be before he saw them again , returning from space a rich man .
27 ‘ I wondered how long it would be before the inquisition started up again .
28 ‘ Er — he 's out playing golf , ’ her mother replied , and , while Leith was beginning to wonder how long it would be before her father discovered that his joint savings account with his wife had a dent in it , her mother was swiftly changing the subject .
29 She wondered how much longer it would be before Jack was brought in in this sort of state , and how she would feel if he was .
30 He marched out of the barracks to make his way to the station — he wondered how long it would be before he could walk at a normal pace .
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