Example sentences of "[indef pn] [pron] can [adv] [be] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Parliament in my judgment has assumed and contemplated that the testator will have already made his will before he signs and the words in section 9 ( b ) ‘ give effect to the will ’ in my judgment do more naturally suggest that there is a document already in existence which contains either dispositive provisions or something which can properly be described as a testamentary disposition .
2 Because the audience can take such an active part in still image work it is something which can easily be tackled in the classroom , which might be the best place for introducing it to a class who are unfamiliar with it .
3 For instance , the words ‘ inshore fishing is n't an easy life ’ might add something which can not be gathered from the pictures alone .
4 On the contrary , it is time to treat religion as something strange and outside the ordinary run of life , something which , mysteriously , has had a vast effect on people , over which wars were fought and people were burned and persecuted , and which still has an effect on people ; something which can not be reduced to mere kindness at the old people 's parties or village jumble sales , but which has inspired some of the most splendid painting , writing , music , and architecture ever to be produced by the human imagination , and is still capable of producing martyrdom , cruelty , and sectarian passion .
5 He is unable to ‘ switch off ’ his analytic mind , for he becomes possessed of something which can best be described as ‘ special knowledge ’ .
6 The most straightforward use of psychic ability is in finding archaeological remains , which , at least , is something which can later be verified .
7 In many statements of this sort racism is likened to a contagious disease , which people catch off each other , or a cancer in the body politic , something which can only be stopped by either eliminating its carriers , or protecting others , especially children , from contact with its ‘ breeding grounds ’ .
8 In one there is something which can almost be regarded as ‘ submission to service ’ : the registration of an address for service , the express appointment of an agent , the ‘ election of domicile ’ at a lawyer 's office .
9 Sometimes this results in a major objection being reduced to one which can easily be dealt with .
10 That makes it a real , live possibility , and one which can not be ignored , surely ? ’
11 ( ii ) The word " irreducible " is a good one for elements with the property listed in 1.3.5(ii) since according to that definition an irreducible element is one which can not be represented as a product of two properly " smaller " elements .
12 In effect it implies a very complex situation in relation to attitudes and one which can not be resolved here .
13 In so doing he may come as near as he can ever hope to an understanding of war as people of the late Middle Ages knew it , no easy task even in the most favourable conditions , but one which can not be attempted with any hope of success without a proper appreciation of the many threads which make up history .
14 The adjective must of course be one which can plausibly be ascribed to the entity of the subject if the whole is to be grammatically acceptable .
15 The Family Model is the one which can best be understood in terms of feeling .
16 The discussion of how a teacher can deal with the language capabilities of young deaf children is a lengthy one which can only be summarised .
17 Nevertheless , it is , I think , salutary that the judge who is called upon to construe statutory language should ask himself whether the meaning that is urged upon him is one which can fairly be drawn by a person of reasonable intelligence ordinarily conversant with the English language .
18 Within this scheme of thought , anything which can not be controlled is labelled dangerous and marginal , particularly when society is working to preserve its unity and to develop more sophisticated systems of self-definition , as was the case for the Jewish community in Palestine following the exile .
19 This article , then , is motivated by a dissatisfaction or a discomfort with most of what passes for television theory : the doubts about the existence of anything which can usefully be called television theory are real .
20 Then come the children for whom the nightly forage produces not only improvised toys but anything which can conceivably be sold to raise a bit of cash .
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