Example sentences of "[indef pn] [pron] [is] [adv] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I already had a mailing list of over 7000 people , which is healthy for someone who is n't a household name , and is a good base for putting out a single , if those people then go and buy it .
2 To say miserably is perhaps a bit unkind because , for someone who is not a climber , he did in all fairness get further than people thought he would .
3 Under section 23 , however , it is possible for someone who is not a trader to be convicted .
4 Paul speaks of the pastoral situation of a Christian man or woman being married to someone who is not a Christian .
5 That is someone who is not a dealer ( or finance house ) carrying on business in the motor trade .
6 The only category in which that will not apply is when a student is living with or married to someone who is not a student .
7 The only problem relates to those students who are married to someone who is not a student , in which case there is a 25 per cent .
8 The same applies to someone who is not a Catholic wishing to get married in a Catholic church .
9 The object of orders for discovery under the Supreme Court and County Courts Acts is to bring forward the time for the disclosure of relevant documents in a personal injury action by , to use the wording of RSC Ord 24 , r7A , a " likely " party from the stage after action to the stage before action , and to require disclosure after the commencement of proceedings by someone who is not a party to the proceedings at all , eg , a health authority ( Walker v Eli Lilley & Co ( 1986 ) The Times , 1 May ) .
10 Discovery will not be ordered of evidence prepared by someone who is not a party at the request of someone who is a defendant or potential defendant wanting to obtain legal advice , even though this amounts to the non-party sheltering behind the privilege of the defendant or potential defendant ( Lee v South West Thames Regional Health Authority [ 1985 ] 2 All ER 385 ) .
11 As someone who is both a physicist and a priest I am aware of some of the puzzles involved in teasing out the relation of the scientific and religious views of the world .
12 The world-affirming person should not be forced into a world-renouncing spirituality , nor someone who is basically a thinker into an affective spirituality .
13 So , having D'Arcy in the band has been an education , not only from playing with someone who 's obviously a girl , but seeing how people perceive that and seeing the kind of shit she takes because she 's a girl .
14 Eliot said : ‘ He believes it would be sensible to use somebody who is not a business journalist .
15 This is an undesirable situation because a user of a script recognition system would not expect to write a word , and have it recognised as something which is not a word .
16 For if you were such a brain , then , provided that the scientist is successful , nothing in your experience could possibly reveal that you were ; for your experience is ex hypothesi identical with that of something which is not a brain in a vat .
17 Moreover , I doubt whether calling moral principles of this sort ‘ natural law ’ is in accordance with any natural law theory , which standardly requires a form of authoritative promulgation in addition to rational justification , something which is not a feature of existing international law .
18 This privilege must not be abused by using it for something which is not a point of order .
19 For the issue at stake is not necessarily whether Clarke is good or bad at his job , something which is indeed a topic of conversation among MPs , not just among the media 's ‘ very well-paid political hacks ’ , as Clydesdale MP Jimmy Hood asserted this week .
20 They have been created because we have chosen to look at a situation in a certain way or we have chosen to treat as a problem something which is merely a change .
21 And you 've got the other one which is just a mess , which is the many-many .
22 Once again that 's another one which is just a glance at the , at the programme if it 's presented one way and very difficult if it 's presented another way .
23 There are songs in Latin , songs in Gaelic , a song about an evacuee and one which is clearly a prayer .
24 No one who is either a parent or a teacher can fail to be aware of the vast differences between children of 7 , not because of what they have been taught , but because of their rate of development and their maturity .
25 I too , as one who is not a Christian , might well say of him that he knew and loved God .
26 A committee may be pardoned for insisting on hearing candidates they had never heard , but it is scarcely pardonable that they should expect one who is not a candidate , and whose qualifications they had the best opportunity of knowing , to stake his reputation in any such way .
27 On the other hand , it may be urged that self-help ought to be strictly limited even against a wrongdoer and forbidden altogether against one who is not a wrongdoer , except that retaking might be permitted in circumstances of inevitable accident or of necessity ( e.g .
28 Just as we give more weight to the views of an impartial judge , one who is not a party to the dispute in question , than to a partial one , so we give more weight to an impartial moral opinion , one expressed by a person who is not directly involved in the situation being assessed , than To an interested party .
29 The significance of Rookes v. Barnard was that it made it clear that a threat of a breach of contract was unlawful for this purpose but the criticism has been made ( and this indeed was the opinion of the Court of Appeal ) that if intimidation is extended to threats to break contracts ‘ it would overturn or outflank some elementary principles of contract law , ’ notably the doctrine of privity of contract , which holds that one who is not a party to a contract can not found a claim upon it or sue for breach of it .
30 : The MU has 40,000 members , with offices and branches throughout the UR , and almost anybody who is either a performer or a composer of music is a member of the MU .
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