Example sentences of "[indef pn] [modal v] [verb] [to-vb] the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The most likely outcome of such action would be to speed up privatisation of the service , since the Government could hardly empty the jails , and somebody would have to supervise the inmates .
2 ‘ But I am sure nobody will want to shoot the defendants in this case . ’
3 One might wish to examine the effects of the father 's death during a child 's early years on the development of masculinity , and accordingly compare a group of adolescent boys who had this experience with a group who did not .
4 Though the antecedents are ancient , it was not until the 1960s that one could begin to see the beginnings of what we now call global competition in other than oil and similar natural resource-processing industries .
5 One 'd have to do the bedrooms , to clean the bedrooms .
6 And ano and the other one 'd have to do the stairs .
7 No one would want to underpraise the gardens of Goldney House .
8 Because the institutions will generally be taking a greater commercial risk ( by subscribing or lending much larger amounts than management ) one would expect to see the institutions paying less per share .
9 Nevertheless , one would like to read the results of Beth 's cerebrations ; they would probably be unlike those of her creator , for Elizabeth 's death roll is not long .
10 The same would be true of a general exclusion clause which excluded liability for economic loss , where , again , one would have to consider the issues as to reasonableness discussed above .
11 Finally , one would need to analyse the results , and bear in mind , for example , that a tabulating agency would create tables but not analyse them .
12 One will need to grow the plants and prepare the drink or poultice oneself but neither is time-consuming , and certainly likely to be less expensive and just as , if not more , efficacious than the manufactured kind available from the chemist .
13 Pat Palmer underlined the necessity to try and find ways of opening new classes in all parts of the country and said if anyone would like to explore the possibilities in a new area , it may be possible to receive some financial help to get started .
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