Example sentences of "to date [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The third edition is completely up to date including the effects of the 1992 Finance Act and the Taxation of Chargeable Gains Act 1992 .
2 When you 've done that , I want his file removed from the records department and brought fully up to date for the ‘ active ’ unit .
3 The only explanation proposed to date for the absence of to after the modal auxiliaries ( Mittwoch 1990 : 127-9 ) is , by the author 's own admission , " entirely syntactic " : to is analysed as a modal itself , and since the grammar " must include a constraint against two modals in sequence in order to rule out examples such as * If John agreed to baby-sit , we would can go " , it follows that to and the modals can not co-occur .
4 Now for the second difficulty with the mental-sentence view , taking this view , remember , as the most sophisticated expression to date of the representational theory of the mind .
5 The massive computer giveaway is the most grandiose sign to date of the increasing involvement of the state 's high-tech industry with education .
6 Indeed it seems to me that the contribution to date of the voluntary sector to service provision in most sectors has been marginal and peripheral .
7 ( a ) Up to date of the bankruptcy order
8 Assessment of success to date of the ‘ Villa Policy . ’
9 The recruitment team can not get the letters out and keep the records up to date at the same time ; and if they employ temporaries , other problems arise : where can they sit ?
10 This recalls the sequence at several civitas capitals , including Cirencester and Exeter , but it remains unique to date at the small towns .
11 Many experiments carried out to date at the individual level shed little light on the problem of complexity — since they typically place the subjects in very simple choice situations .
12 It 's very important that you keep your international stance — but to also keep up to date on the more traditional demands of the women 's movement is important too .
13 It only remained then , in this tight little half-hour programme , for David Attenborough to bring us up to date on the mountain gorillas of Rwanda — they are mainly alive and moderately well but not thanks to poachers — and for Mr Soper to have a fleeting swipe at the conservation intentions of the government , and it was all over .
14 The evidence to date on the relative success of this organisational change in many schools in England and Wales is ambiguous .
15 The final humiliation came when Branson and Draper flew out to Munich to see Oldfield perform in concert and bring him up to date on the current situation .
16 In 1981 the Flowers Commission published what is still the most comprehensive report to date on the opencast industry .
17 2.1 Following detailed discussion at the Council 's Advanced Courses Policy Sub-Committee , it has been decided that SCOTVEC should now proceed beyond the pilot programme to implementation of the new system : it was felt that the work to date on the pilot courses has provided enough experience to confirm the adoption of the Policy Paper 's principles as the basis of the new operational system .
18 The bonus each policyholder will actually get will depend on the reversionary ( or annual ) bonuses they have received to date on the with-profits element of their policies and will probably be paid out as part of the 1993 bonus distribution in February or March 1994 .
19 While little detailed work has been undertaken to date on the nature of these population movements , preliminary research carried out by the investigator in Costa Rica in 1987 with support from the Nuffield Foundation suggests that migration patterns have been strongly differentiated along lines of gender : whereas men have tended to migrate out of Guanacastle , at least on a temporary basis , many women appear to have moved permanently to towns within the region itself .
20 I can think of no other person in the Anti-Apartheid Movement who knows more and is more up to date on the current situation in South Africa .
21 Walking through the woods at the back of Westfield Manor , Patrick brought him up to date on the burglar who had committed murder to get hold of a packet of letters , and the macabre business of the switched bodies .
22 The Council 's first President had taken the position extremely seriously , and in addition to his ceremonial duties had invited the Chairman and Chief Officer at regular intervals , often twice a year , to meet with him , to discuss matters of interest to him , and to bring him up to date on the Council 's activities .
23 The other thing perhaps I could just say , chairman , is that I did meet a representative of the district auditor last week to bring you up to date on the work which the education committee was doing .
24 This information cycle is shown in Figure 6.4 and , on the evidence of work done to date on the Housing Unit referred to earlier , this information cycle can be extended , as shown in Figure 6.5 , which is part of the Housing Unit syllabus .
25 We 'll bring you up to date on the situation later in the programme .
26 Those who join are able to share experiences and keep up to date with the latest information on lung conditions , treatments and the services available .
27 Not all the parents will have a reading age of 17+ , be candidates for MENSA and be up to date with the latest educational jargon .
28 This helps to keep families up to date with the thinking of the school and strengthens the sense of identity .
29 Keep up to date with the latest news and events from the SAA .
30 Ms Fiona Reynolds of the Council for National Parks has kept me up to date with the progress of the EEC 's Agricultural Structures Review .
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