Example sentences of "to little more [subord] " in BNC.

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1 The certificate on form R190(SD) must be completed but this can be done at any time and amounts to little more than a claim procedure .
2 Taking the first fortnight as a whole , four-fifths of voters had heard nothing about their local Conservative , Labour , and Alliance candidates but that figure dropped to little more than half in the second fortnight .
3 ‘ Pride and dignity ’ appears to be barely different from conventional ambition/self-presentation/self-nurture , ultimately amounting to little more than the uncritical desire to participate in society on its own terms .
4 Half-built houses had hitherto been exempt from local taxes and the country was full of new ‘ housing developments ’ , which amounted to little more than forests of concrete stumps and rusty struts and braces .
5 Now that the two have fallen out , over maintaining a single currency and unified armed forces , the successor to the Soviet Union has dwindled to little more than a name .
6 Lou Reed 's lyrics amount to little more than self-indulgent nastiness , says Tony Parsons
7 In part , this reflected the greatly reduced role of hospital services , which fell from three-quarters to little more than a quarter of all residential places .
8 However , the title of this paper restricts reference to developed countries only , but even here the normative suggestions about distortions to prices of factors and outputs ( leading to inappropriate signals to research institutions ) seem to amount to little more than wishful thinking .
9 The distinction between capital and maintenance schemes can sometimes amount to little more than an administrative technicality , and as grants for capital schemes are reduced , there is a possibility that old-style capital works will be slipped by under the banner of maintenance .
10 Noreen 's role had diminished to little more than a chaperone for Maria .
11 Today , there are more good lines than bad , and the choice amounts to little more than personal preference .
12 All the same , the text makes no claim to be citing this rescript , and it is very curious that the jurist should first limit his remarks to the facts as stated and then go on to limit them to the words quoted ; especially since the facts stated amount to little more than those words .
13 While some contributions amount to little more than a description of manufacturers ' software , others delve into the concepts and methodologies .
14 ‘ Did you not come away thinking that the urban development challenge of the century adds to little more than opportunistic chaos — an architectural circus — with a sprinkling of postmodern gimmicks , the ghastly mega-lumps of Canary Wharf and a fairground train to get you there ? ’
15 An added paradox to the Narvik actions was the Germans ' own demolitions that destroyed much of the port 's facilities , reducing iron-ore shipments to little more than a quarter of the pre-war level .
16 It 's all sturdy and dense and impressively intense , but it amounts to little more than a grumpy grumble from the arty side of town .
17 While the primary ethnographic accounts of life and character in such peaceful societies usually present multi-dimensional pictures of complex human beings , these pictures tend to become more and more one-dimensional as the material is employed in secondary and tertiary works , where the original complexity is often reduced to little more than caricature .
18 Having done so much to point up the plight of blacks in the 1960s and 1970s , Ali reduced himself to little more than a comic figure in much the same way as Johnson had .
19 It fears that the ¥200 billion school project will amount to little more than a bail-out of struggling Japanese computer makers — such as NEC , which made its first ever consolidated loss , of ¥44 billion , in the year to March .
20 The functionalist method which he so strenuously championed amounted , in fact , to little more than acknowledging that every custom or institution , however strange and bizarre , served some contemporary purpose .
21 A great deal of it amounted to little more than an adjunct to farming , typically by smallholders plying a trade on the side .
22 Whatever Isabella 's private intentions may have been , the deposition of the king had so far formed no part of her publicly declared programme , which amounted to little more than the removal of the Despensers .
23 For the moment , the revolution of 1327 seemed to amount to little more than the replacement of one greedy and unscrupulous faction by another .
24 Indeed , Professor Roskell has gone so far as to suggest that the nobility could not be relied upon to attend parliament in the 1350s and 1360s even when they were present in England , and that these parliaments amounted to little more than tax bargaining sessions between the king and the commons .
25 Again most of these stars are red , with spectral types of M , R , N or S. Their amplitudes are less than for the Mira stars , and usually amount to little more than a magnitude .
26 The sharpest criticism levelled was that the collection amounted to little more than a reshuffling .
27 For the French the peace of the last years of the fourteenth century led to little more than the need to garrison their frontiers .
28 This amounted to little more than a regrading of established Yorkist bureaucrats , and the same can be said of the exchequer , where the office of treasurer , left empty by the death of the earl of Essex , was filled by the earl 's former deputy John Wood .
29 There was general agreement that current initiatives to meet those problems were ineffective , that there was little consultation with the people of West Belfast and that frequently they amounted to little more than cosmetic exercises .
30 Back in November , Mr Bush got a rude shock when his ‘ Energy Strategy ’ ( which amounted to little more than building a few more nuclear reactors and opening up every remaining square inch of Alaska to further oil exploration ) got kicked out by the Senate .
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