Example sentences of "to the public [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Yet the president 's radicalism unfortunately did falter when it came to the public sector .
2 Foreign aid to the public sector will be grabbed by grandee ministers ; aid to the private sector will mostly help the grandees who run it .
3 Leasing schemes will allow large-scale investments to be financed at relatively little cost to the public sector borrowing requirement .
4 The informatics graduate can expect to be at the forefront of the development of new software products and tools or to follow a career in developing technology applications for a range of areas — from industry to the public sector and from health care to agriculture .
5 The NZ statements are produced in accordance with GAAP , and will be subject to the public sector reporting requirements that emerge from the NZSA 's Financial Reporting Framework proposals .
6 Critics also argue that this has been compounded by a policy which has unfairly favoured the private sector in preference to the public sector .
7 However , the decline in resources directed to the public sector and the encouragement of moves towards owner-occupation under the Conservative government have prompted criticism that the three main forms of tenure ( owner-occupation , private-rented and public-rented ) are not treated even handedly .
8 Whilst cutting subsidies to the public sector , tax relief to the private sector has grown enormously .
9 Barkaloff said that a Polish government agency is also thinking of developing pen-based applications , and may act as a reseller of the GRiDs to the public sector .
10 The personal sector earns in return for contributing to current production ( no pensions are received by individuals in our model ) a gross income of £13,500 million , and of this sum , £3,000 million is paid in income tax to the public sector .
11 Examples of such housing were built in Europe in the 1940s , but when it came to the public sector imitations in this country , narrowness of concep-tion and meanness in execution translated the idea into the publicly owned slabs and boxes that have become a feature of the landscape in our major cities ( McDowell , 1983 ) .
12 They do not always transfer easily to the public sector .
13 More importantly , there are constraints specific to the public sector and to regulated firms , as discussed in the next two chapters , which may improve their efficiency .
14 Government figures maintain that 250m would be collected from books at 17 ½%; VAT , but this figure does not take into account rebates to the public sector and reduced sales . ’
15 After a survey of 140 local authorities , the RIBA concluded that the total backlog of repairs and maintenance work to the public sector housing stock was in excess of £10 billion .
16 Despite the bias of SSAPs towards private sector profit-making organizations , this should not preclude their applicability , when appropriate , to the public sector , or for that matter , to private sector not-for-profit organizations such as charities .
17 This chapter considers the general framework of management control and its importance to the public sector .
18 The rationale behind the use of the NFV approach in the private sector is accepted by government as being exactly analogous to the public sector .
19 Two of areas of difference they highlight are particularly relevant to the public sector — scope and responsibility .
20 This latter effect would directly influence the calculations of suppliers of commodities to the public sector , and indirectly influence other enterprises through its ‘ multiplier ’ repercussions .
21 The old climate of political opinion that was broadly hostile to the public sector had changed .
22 An increased public workforce engages in a wider range of activities and an increased portion of the population is dependent upon the state for benefits ; both are paid out of an increasing share of economic resources devoted to the public sector .
23 The Course is the most distinctive and , on this scale , the most innovative contribution that the Polytechnic has made to the public sector in higher education .
24 There is one feature that is included in the local government list of characteristics that may be unique to the public sector and that is the requirement that our public sector officials have political sensitivity .
25 But in order to understand the problems faced in accounting theory students must often look to the literature on business organizations and apply it to the public sector context , albeit with great caution and common sense .
26 The relevance of SSAPs to the public sector has never been entirely clear .
27 However , these new powers do not apply to the public sector .
28 The accounting practices discussed do not exclusively relate to the public sector .
29 An assurance has been given to the unions that non-industrial pay settlements for this financial year from 1 July will be no worse than equivalent settlements in the Civil Service , subject to the public sector pay restraint policy .
30 The share of total sterling bank lending to the public sector ( central and local government and public corporations ) has declined sharply .
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