Example sentences of "to be working [adv] " in BNC.

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1 British Rail has launched an inquiry , but a spokesman said the alarm bells and gates appeared to be working properly .
2 The intoximeter was found not to be working properly and the custody officer notified the defendant that , pursuant to section 7(3) ( b ) of the Road Traffic Act 1988 , an alternative specimen of either blood or urine , at the choice of the officer , would be required .
3 All the members here will know that I have recently erm sent out a circular letter expressing my concern as to where the system does n't seem to be working properly and asking for your help and cooperation in giving me information on just exactly where it is falling down .
4 This does n't seem to be working properly .
5 How many tin mines on the map are shown to be working today ? *
6 But they seemed to be working normally — quite normally .
7 For deep injuries to muscles and joints when Arnica does not seem to be working well enough .
8 With deep injuries to muscles and joints when Arnica does not seem to be working well enough .
9 However , in practice the system appears to be working well following modifications introduced by the Chirac government to appease local sensibilities .
10 Sharing work , yet retaining a clear sense of role , is obviously more difficult but potentially rewarding and in Maidstone seems to be working well .
11 At this stage the pupils appeared to be working well together , but we were aware that they were unnaturally polite .
12 This highly developed system of teaching did not seem to be working well .
13 In no other respect does the order make changes in arrangements put in place last year which were extensively debated at the time and which , as I said to the House in October , appear to be working well .
14 The monitoring of staff who take time-off due to sickness does not appear to be working well .
15 Wallace was his usual lively self , and they both looked to be working well together .
16 That has been re re reviewed through the year , and the process somewhat simplified , and now seems to be working well .
17 We do have er , performance targets , they seem to be working well , er , ninety percent figure was given , that does seem to be holding up .
18 ‘ But yes , it seems to be working well , so they will be coming regularly . ’
19 In the majority of cases reporters knew the system to be working well , said Mr Harris .
20 The thing I remember about him as an engineer was that we used to get these forms that told you each week who you were going to be working on , what the line-up was , and I saw this thing and it said David Bowie , Studio Two .
21 The novel he was supposed to be working on hardly progressed a few hundred words in a week .
22 They tell us what 's been happening on the unit that we 're going to be working on , so that we know what 's been going on for the morning . ’
23 Indeed HP and IBM are now thought to be working on much closer relationship ( UX No 430 ) .
24 Indeed Hewlett-Packard and IBM are now thought to be working on much closer relationship — ‘ Hewlett-Packard and IBM is a done deal , ’ according to one insider .
25 Right now can you see you 've got an awful lot there to be working on , now I 've got one more .
26 The paper was a poster advertising the play Shannon was to be working on — a poster dominated by the vivid blue eyes and harsh , hawklike features of the star player .
27 Now that target internally is is a figure for us to be working on back at the camp .
28 Now that my machine seems to be working tolerably well again , here is some news , along with renewed thanks for the welcome and lovely meals whilst I was with you — and I was of course interested and glad to meet and to know they would come and try and help with anything if you ring them .
29 If there are problems , le we could work them through together , but I think this is much more interesting to be , sort o I think to be linked in with an outside project like this , and just to be working away in isolation , and so we 'll feel our way experimentally .
30 It will be rare to find a pupil working at one level only ; they are more likely to be working over two or three levels .
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