Example sentences of "to be pay for " in BNC.

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1 Although there is some truth in this relative deprivation argument , it is equally important to note that the pains of imprisonment are mitigated by pleasant recollections : to be doing ‘ a lot of bird ’ without having lived well seems far more futile and absurd that to be paying for the rich fruits that crime has already brought .
2 And I was very worried because the lady that was going to be paying for the job was just down there and if we were n't careful we were going to kill her with the wardrobe .
3 There was a high price to be paid for these amenities and privileges , which was , quite simply , professionalism .
4 ‘ Although it is argued that fear of punitive jury awards has made the US business safety-conscious , quite a price has had to be paid for that by way of corporate and insurance company bankruptcy , the closing of municipal facilities and the practice of defensive medicine . ’
5 These imports have to be paid for and what is interesting — and why manufacturing is vital to us — is that over the past hundred years , if not longer , seventy per cent of these imports have been paid for by the export of British manufactured goods .
6 After April , rents not collected at the end of the year will have to be paid for with a general rent increase because of the Government ‘ ring-fencing ’ of housing revenue accounts .
7 CSKA have re-emerged as CFKA Sredets and continue to win the League regularly , but for several seasons the Bulgarians have allowed footballers to be paid for playing .
8 In 1975 he wrote his open letter to President Husak about the price that would have to be paid for delivering their country into the hands of an ‘ entropic ’ regime which depended ‘ solely on the ruling minority 's instinct of self-preservation and on the fear of the ruled majority ’ , a regime which positively required the suppression of truth and history for its surival .
9 There is some truth in this , but it is the price that has to be paid for reaching balanced judgements on the way ahead .
10 Later , in 1908 , they had to plan once again how to combine their joint ideal of a free domestic relationship with the solitude that Edward 's nature demanded as a price to be paid for his self-discovery as a writer .
11 A bribe of many millions of dollars was to be paid for a hostage , Peter Kilburn , by giving the captors a suitcase full of chemically treated bills ; after a few days , the bills would moulder away .
12 He would clearly have preferred to be talking to Fiona on his other side , but the award was having to be paid for with politeness .
13 Another problem is that local taxes have to be paid for out of taxed income , whereas local taxes in other countries such as America can often be offset .
14 It is often a matter of difficulty to find out exactly what will have to be paid for haulage , toll and wharfage , and this fact increases the office labour in sending out tenders .
15 Witnesses willing to be paid for their services would parade outside courthouses .
16 However , it should not be forgotten that local authorities are also responsible for providing services , and there is evidence to suggest that voters recognise that such services have to be paid for .
17 The collapse of love , and the growth of irresponsibility and indifference to children , will ultimately have to be paid for in society .
18 If a surveyor does his work badly it goes without saying that he can not expect to be paid for it , but usually the client will also wish to claim damages as financial compensation .
19 Thatcherism makes intellectual liberty just another commodity , to be enjoyed when there is no particular political or commercial or administrative price to be paid for it , but abandoned , with no evident grief , when the price begins to rise .
20 His idea was simple : seats on Skytrain were not bookable in advance , they had to be bought on the day of travel in New York , London , or later San Francisco , and food on the flight had to be paid for .
21 It seemed to her that if love was to be great it had to be paid for with a terrible price .
22 Few visible signs of such domestic industries remain , but the fine octagonal market house on the village green at Harrold is where work was distributed among the lace-makers , and where they brought the finished lace to be paid for by the employers .
23 In Italy money used to be paid for crickets so that they could be released in the garden to add their harmony and endless cheerfulness to it .
24 And there are buildings to be paid for also .
25 In addition , their tenancy had to be paid for , fuel , clothes and thread provided .
26 So , for example , moves were made to turn revenue spending ( i.e. which had to be paid for out of current income — grants , fees , charges and rates ) into capital spending ( i.e. which could be paid for from loans raised from banks and other financial institutions ) .
27 Bowls of fruit , flowers , even the cruet would have to be paid for .
28 Any so-called ‘ saving ’ to the NHS of products manufactured by British companies would have to be paid for five fold by the British companies , and would show up five fold in our balance of payments , and would mean significant loss in taxation to the British Treasury .
29 But , the price to be paid for estuarial development could be less acceptable .
30 There is a price to be paid for compiling a book-length multiauthor status report of a relatively young field .
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