Example sentences of "[Wh adv] [adj] [noun] [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Good light from above and whenever possible sunlight from the front .
2 It was the subject of legislation in 1963 and of particular scrutiny whenever official inquiries into the press or broadcasting were set up .
3 A profound historical amnesia has come to settle around the Teds whereby rock-and-roll outrages of the past , together with the magnified excitements that accompanied them , have been smuggled out of sight .
4 In France they have devised a logical system whereby senior officials of the Bureau d'Enquête d'Accident are formally recognised by the magistrate as officials of his court , thereby relieving the magistrate himself of much responsibility relating to highly technical matters of which he has little comprehension while at the same time enabling the professional investigators immediate access to the wreckage of the aircraft and its records , etc. in their pursuit of the cause of the accident .
5 Following the recent press statement by Mr Michael Forsyth MP , Scotland 's Sports Minister , I write to inform you that Mr Forsyth has accepted the Scottish Sports Council 's view that the system first introduced at its request in 1987 whereby senior staff of the Council serve also as Members of the Council , should be discontinued .
6 Stjepan Mesic was confirmed by the Federal Assembly on Oct. 19 to fill Croatia 's seat on the eight-member federal Collective State Presidency ; he also became Vice-President according to the fixed sequence whereby senior offices within the Presidency rotated annually among the republics and provinces ( Croatia would hold the Vice-Presidency until May 1991 ) .
7 All members of the church have a contribution to make to the preparation , especially in the light of our growing awareness of how different vocations within the church are complementary .
8 10A contains the conference keynote speeches by John Elliott and Rosemary Webb , each reflecting on how central control of the curriculum might influence action research .
9 Cassese ( 1981 : 149 ) and Feigenbaum ( 1985 : 75–6 , 95–6 ) argue that the officials of the French Cour des Comptes acted more as advocates and defenders of the enterprises than their controllers , while Hannah ( 1982 : 44 ) describes how civil servants in the sponsor ministry became ‘ valuable allies ’ of the electricity authority , translating ‘ known needs into appropriate Whitehall language , according to the changing fashions dictated by public opinion or cabinet preoccupations ’ .
10 But if the terminal repeats explain how wandering members of the Alu family might get into a chromosome , what can explain how they came to be wandering in the first place ?
11 The fourteenth century showed how valuable access to the sea , and in particular to northern waters , was to be for France .
12 Ah , they would all of them be astonished at how well Lugh of the Longhand had done tonight .
13 We have already examined how redistributive taxation in the pursuit of equity will induce allocative distortions by driving a wedge between the price the consumer pays and the price the producer receives .
14 How great ideas like the Church got bogged down in bureaucracy .
15 The educational background and training of chartered librarians in Britain has not been well understood by teachers , and in particular it has been noticeable how reluctant spokesmen of the School Library Association have been to acknowledge that some librarians have received a special training in work with children of school age , with materials for children of school age , and involving more than an acquaintance with the study of educational systems and methods and of child development .
16 ‘ I will have regard to how vigorous competition with the tunnel can be best assured as well as with how well the current competitive arrangments have operated , ’ he said .
17 But he did not dismiss the idea and added that a new committee would be set up in June 1995 to examine how far compliance with the code and the report 's other recommendations had progressed .
18 The sponsors of the Committee would reconvene about two years after the code has been implemented , and a group would be formed to examine how far compliance with the code had progressed .
19 how well they recalled the review activities , how involved they had been and how far outsiders to the school had been involved ;
20 ‘ I know how traumatic visits to the dentist can be . ’
21 The therapist should note how other siblings within the family have faired and whether they have had any stress related problems .
22 Sometimes she fell into their style — endless crisis-discussions and grumbling about how other members of the family had behaved , or should have behaved to each other .
23 This would be of great educational value to new members giving tips and ways of how other embalmers around the country practice their work .
24 that it had not provided them with an opportunity to confront their problems , to gain insights into how other parts of the school operated ;
25 However , it will also show how recent developments within the definition of the ‘ urban ’ , as it applies to consumption , are now indeed beginning to touch on our central concerns .
26 She shows how heated controversies about the use of the speculum , which was seem by some medical men as an instrument of rape , about operations that ‘ unsexed ’ and ‘ castrated ’ women , and about the relationship between male doctors and their female patients can be explained more effectively by viewing gynaecology as a ‘ science of woman ’ .
27 For example , if a cell doubles its discharge rate under one set of conditions but quadruples under another , does that difference affect how subsequent levels in the circuit respond so that one group of cells is excited by the first set of conditions but a second group is activated by the second set ?
28 His chief seat was at Beaudesert , a low hill above Henley-in-Arden in Warwickshire , where extensive earthworks of the family castle still remain .
29 Bush 's public and deliberate linking of the " occupied " West Bank with East Jerusalem was greeted with near unanimous condemnation in Israel , where Israeli control over the whole of the " " eternal " capital " was widely considered to be an irreversible fact .
30 Clothing is one of the largest sectors of UK industry and is particularly important in Northern Ireland , where total employment in the industry represents a substantial proportion of all those employed in manufacturing .
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