Example sentences of "[Wh adv] [pers pn] [modal v] have [been] [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 I know how you must have been feeling inside . ’
2 As I came into the hotel I tried to project myself back into a time when I 'd have been thinking — Sunday press party , rather fun .
3 This entailed an eighty-mile drive in all , at a time when I should have been making sandwiches for the post-funeral bun-fight .
4 Not only did she not help ; in the time when she could have been helping she did things like lining the kitchen cupboards with flowery paper , polishing the brass door knocker , ironing tea-towels and shampooing the TV room carpet .
5 But er i it took your time up when you know when you might have been enjoying yourself .
6 She opened her mouth to fire a barbed reply , then , remembering where she would have been waking up if he had n't bailed her out , she bit her tongue .
7 Just at the time when they should have been giving most to each other , he had turned away from her , and in its way that had been almost as painful as the loss of her mother .
8 This presumably posed a risk to airline uniforms ; was likely to distract passengers ( the male ones at any rate ) at a time when they should have been paying attention to the cabin staff for rather different reasons ; and carried the ultimate danger of the implant exploding .
9 Alongside rich , corrupt and irresistible Sir Jack Falstaff is the young Prince Hal , wandering far from his true royal path , mixing with thieves and wastrels when he ought to have been studying to be a king .
10 Musician to the end , he died through insisting on conducting a new revival of Castor et Pollux when he should have been nursing an illness .
11 Speaking at the service in St Nicholas 's Church , Sunderland , Tyne and Wear , he said Sgt Forth , 34 , was killed on a night when he could have been enjoying the festivities at a friend 's wedding .
12 He turned to the wall where it should have been hanging but there was only an empty bracket .
13 Can you suggest where he might have been going ? ’
14 I stood in the doorway , feeling quite dazed with loneliness , looking at the bed where he should have been lying .
15 That 's because Jonathan will have just returned from Japan where he will have been learning how business is done in the Far East .
16 ‘ Something is wrong , Fabia ? ’ he asked urgently , leaving his stance over by the French window where he must have been taking a look outside , to come over to her .
17 ‘ It 's difficult to understand why he might have been moving badly going to the start — perhaps it was the dirt or maybe it was because the heat was so intense . ’
18 ‘ It 's difficult to understand why he might have been moving badly going to the start , perhaps it was the dirt or maybe it was the heat . ’
19 ‘ All the more reason why he should have been having the full attention of you both , ’ Doctor Staples said sharply .
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