Example sentences of "[Wh adv] [pers pn] [verb] [pron] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 Whenever I meet him in the village , ’ he said bitterly , ‘ which is not very often , I 'm glad to say , he walks right past me without even raisin' his cap in respect … ’
2 It may be that the first is a purse which is never empty , and the second a pot which provides a wholesome meal whenever you demand one in the right way .
3 Whenever he buried himself in the ledgers and account books , he lost all sense of time .
4 Mm , I think they have a system whereby they have it in the classroom for a week
5 She has a tendency to hug herself tightly when grappling with a question , and at one point , when I asked her how she saw herself in the future , grown up and faced with decisions about her own children , she panicked for an instant and had to be consoled by the female interpreter .
6 Haltingly , she spoke about her sudden irrational terror on the dance floor , the nun leading her away , how she found herself in a bedroom with Jack Butler .
7 I think sometimes I ca n't help but think it 's how they made him in a way , you know , like I , you , sometimes your , I think you should sit down and play with something , but he wo n't sit quiet and amuse himself
8 Get yourself ready , and we 'll see how they enjoy themselves in the Big House . ’
9 I do n't know how they did it in the end , but
10 In the dark she could ignore how he repelled her in the light .
11 All too often moralists tend to regard a person 's moral life as the story of how he proves himself in the face of moral demands imposed on him by chance and circumstance .
12 That 's really how he persuaded me in the first place to pretend … ’
13 These things I gathered from what Dorothy 's husband Leo told me when I met him in the chemist 's shop one day .
14 Nothing much else happened , as far as I recall … but then I did n't visit the cottage much , not before that morning when I met you in the garden .
15 I knew when I saw her in the graveyard reading the writing .
16 One day when I saw him in the village , he said , ‘ I hear I 've got a son , Ellen , whose name 's Linton !
17 I was window-shopping across the road at Tower Records ( good selection , but top price ) when I saw him in the reflection .
18 ‘ I could hardly believe my eyes when I saw you in the market .
19 ‘ The closest I ever got to any man was when I had him in the sights of the rifle and I never missed . ’
20 ‘ Twenty-four years old he was when I found him in the provost 's prison in Paris , and paid his fine to get him for my own , him and that foster-brother of his whom you know well . ’
21 Utd ( which I was totally amazed about when I read it in the newspaper ) he seems to have settled down and appears to put in more effort .
22 There are even times when I enjoy it in a masochistic kind of way — those are the times when you are really running free , bouncing along in a relaxed and easy manner , with the mind and the body in tune .
23 I was afraid long ago , when I hit him in the mouth with that heavy glove , that I might kill him one day .
24 Gradually these dreams came less often until they stopped altogether , although I still do n't know why I had them in the first place .
25 Well that 's why I did it in the morning Jean .
26 She stood five feet six tall in her high-heeled shoes , her long hair was dark , and she was the kind of thirty-five-year-old woman men turned to look at when she passed them in the street .
27 Have you been at a party where you found yourself in a room and people started skinning up ?
28 Sam Somerville 's rental car had been where she left it in the short-stay carpark at Heathrow .
29 She removed her wooden pattens and , concealing them in her cloak , slipped noiselessly into the tower , past the guardchamber and up the winding stairs to the middle floor where she concealed herself in an alcove outside the chamber door .
30 Eventually she came to Byblos and succeeded in having the palace column removed and thus was able to retrieve the casket and take it back to Egypt , where she hid it in the marshes of the Delta .
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