Example sentences of "[Wh adv] [adj] [noun sg] [prep] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Good light from above and whenever possible sunlight from the front .
2 A morphological indexing system was developed whereby each word in the lexicon is associated with its root .
3 They have seen it as an arrangement whereby some gain at the expense of others .
4 A special feature is the series of transparent overlays supplied , some to generate the moire patterns , others to provide a novel representation of the geometrical illusions , whereby one part of the configuration is separated from the remainder , and the distorted circles are seen to be truly circular , the apparently diverging lines to be truly parallel .
5 I was 22 in 1934 and the Hon Mrs Bower , wife of the Tory MP for the area , and her friends on the council of social services organised a scheme whereby any lad on the dole ( and most of us were ) would be trained for private service and find jobs in London and the South .
6 A chance mention in a letter written in the 820s shows that one card in a Carolingian king 's hand was the existence of a " solemn custom " whereby any recipient of a benefice had to come to the palace in person and ritually " commend " himself to the king .
7 Harvey told me how each part of the computer was named after a section of the human brain : the Medulla , Pons and Midbrain .
8 One of the uses of understanding how this transform of the city and savage theme continues in Eliot 's work is that in seeing how this primitive countryside ( like the animistic rose-garden ) connects with London 's metropolitan world , it becomes apparent that there is a political aspect to the Four Quartets .
9 Fortunately , during the last few years , there has been a blossoming of research which considerably increases our understanding of how this part of the machinery of planning works .
10 10A contains the conference keynote speeches by John Elliott and Rosemary Webb , each reflecting on how central control of the curriculum might influence action research .
11 How much value to the individual will this new interpretation of the Directive be ?
12 The fourteenth century showed how valuable access to the sea , and in particular to northern waters , was to be for France .
13 Ah , they would all of them be astonished at how well Lugh of the Longhand had done tonight .
14 We have already examined how redistributive taxation in the pursuit of equity will induce allocative distortions by driving a wedge between the price the consumer pays and the price the producer receives .
15 It is strange how all movement in the universe takes the form of waves , from the tiny vibrations within the atom and microscopic organisms to the electric pulses in the brain , the waves of the sea , the throb of sound itself , light waves , radio waves , the pulses of force between galaxies , etc .
16 You showed me how beautiful love between a man and woman can be , and afterwards I felt healed and whole and normal again . ’
17 ‘ I will have regard to how vigorous competition with the tunnel can be best assured as well as with how well the current competitive arrangments have operated , ’ he said .
18 But he did not dismiss the idea and added that a new committee would be set up in June 1995 to examine how far compliance with the code and the report 's other recommendations had progressed .
19 The sponsors of the Committee would reconvene about two years after the code has been implemented , and a group would be formed to examine how far compliance with the code had progressed .
20 The concept of alignment recognises how one member of a family system may oppose or join with another in carrying out some task .
21 How one afternoon in the blaze of the Highland summer one of the airmen roused the corporal and entreated : " What do you make of yon ? "
22 And he enjoyed picnics ; in the Guide he recounts how one day during a drive up Little Langdale and home by Dungeon Ghyll , ‘ the cloth was laid on the green grass , for that was the table : the cold collation was next produced from the carts , and the writer , though he has been one of many , has seldom witnessed more cheerful gipsyings .
23 A MFN clause sustains collusion because it makes it costly for a seller to reduce price in a discriminatory way , which is how secret cheating on a price agreement often takes place .
24 Here the ‘ metacharacters ’ show where each instance of a Book-title starts and ends .
25 There are a number of ways of cueing a sound tape , but the simplest way is to record a guide onto a spare track to show where each section of the music should start and end .
26 Cue a sound tape by recording a guide-track to indicate where each section of the music should start and end : set the tape to a start-mark ; set tape recorder to record-pause ; set the video tape to play-pause on the first frame of picture ; release both machines together calling out music cues into a microphone connected to the tape recorder while you watch the pictures on screen .
27 Why that thing at the front , that 's a pretty arrangement .
28 Bush 's public and deliberate linking of the " occupied " West Bank with East Jerusalem was greeted with near unanimous condemnation in Israel , where Israeli control over the whole of the " " eternal " capital " was widely considered to be an irreversible fact .
29 Clothing is one of the largest sectors of UK industry and is particularly important in Northern Ireland , where total employment in the industry represents a substantial proportion of all those employed in manufacturing .
30 The fiction belongs to that school where minute anatomy of the mind predominates over incidents .
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