Example sentences of "[Wh adv] [verb] [not/n't] [pron] [vb infin] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Why did n't we have that one ?
2 but I , he says he did n't , I mean , since she 's had the chop , but between having the first and then having the twins , the second , she went back to work then at the Building Society , so she 's got a cheaper mortgage , so why did n't they pay some off then ?
3 I mean , that , very , very occasionally you 'll do something and you 'll think , erm why did n't I do that you think that 's stupid , you know ,
4 And er I can remember several cases years ag you know so going back two or three years where people were debating with me why did n't I put more into National Savings ?
5 Why did n't I steal some ?
6 Why did n't someone shoot that bastard when we were in Normandy ? ’ remarked the occupant of the bunk below me .
7 Well why did n't she put that into practice by well refusing
8 Secondly , when readers complain about the lives of writers — why did n't he do this ; why did n't he protest to the newspapers about that ; why was n't he more involved in life ? — are n't they really asking a simpler , and vainer , question : why is n't he more like us ?
9 Why did n't he do any features ?
10 Well why did n't he say that yesterday then ?
11 Why did n't he take that with him and put it in for a minute , for god 's sake .
12 Why did n't he know most things by intuition — and by listening to the other animals talking ?
13 ‘ Hyde has been here all this time why did n't he destroy this will ? ’
14 Speaking of which , why did n't you marry that lieutenant when I told you to ?
15 ‘ As you had all this figured out quite some time , I suspect , before I left Rome , why did n't you send those signals yourself ? ’
16 Why did n't you explain that straight away ? ’
17 Why did n't you protect that damned food ? ’
18 Why did n't you bring this sooner , Mister Richmann ? ’
19 Why did n't you carry this one through ? ’
20 Why did n't you mention this before ? ’
21 Why did n't you do that when you first arrived ?
22 Why did n't you do that when we were here ?
23 Now if one was missing , there 'd be a report ; ‘ Why did n't you do this ?
24 Why did n't you tell any of us ? ’
25 Why did n't you come this afternoon ? ’
26 Why did n't you come this morning , Chief Inspector ?
27 Why did n't you school this morning ?
28 Because there were , there were easily three lists of influence on referrals that you need to be attuned to , that I gave you in that one erm praise , give a bit of praise to my wife because all I 'm proud of crafty , I thought , you know , why did n't you say that was a beautiful brief .
29 Oh , why did n't you say that then ?
30 So why did n't you say that ?
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