Example sentences of "[Wh adv] [pron] did n't [vb infin] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 and they sort of met and how they did n't hit I do n't know but at the moment it 's , well get the car back today it 's er been away being done , cos somebody smashed into him
2 How they did n't see me , I 'll never know , 'cos I was just huddled up in the corner of the alley .
3 ‘ What sort of a day have you had ? ’ she asked him lightly , and spent the first course and half of the second in hearing how he did n't think he was giving so much concentration to his job as he should just lately .
4 He also remembered the goose pimples that appeared on his arms as the evening grew cooler , and how he did n't suggest they went inside because he was afraid she would say that it was time to go .
5 Looking back , I ca n't remember a time when I did n't love you .
6 I discovered spots in places where I did n't think it was possible to get spots .
7 I 'm damned if I know why I did n't tell you in the first place , back when all this started happening .
8 And that was also why I did n't leave you a note explaining what we were up to as Jeff told me to .
9 Well I think he would have enjoyed it too much to be quite honest with you that 's why I did n't do it .
10 Cos it , come out with , I did n't , it 's a , it 's not the fat , that 's why I did n't do it .
11 That would explain why I did n't recognize her .
12 ‘ That is precisely why I did n't want you to come to the hospital .
13 ‘ So now you know why I did n't want you to be known as my girlfriend , Anne .
14 Well , now you know her story , and you 'll understand why I did n't want it to happen to you .
15 Erm , I er have never known such a question asked in this council chamber where referring to members of parliament er in in er and that is why I did n't feel it necessary
16 ‘ See why I did n't mention it before ?
17 That 's also why I did n't have it made ! ’ she added comically .
18 Speaking after the election Greiner said that it was too early to assess " why I did n't get it right , and why almost no one in the community got it right " .
19 So that 's why I did n't take it .
20 ‘ But that 's precisely why I did n't introduce you to Louis , ’ Nathan reminded her smoothly .
21 I know , that 's why I did n't ask you
22 Why I did n't die I do n't know !
23 That might be why I did n't see it .
24 I ai n't got a pen that 's why I did n't fill it in .
25 You know why she did n't want us to go up into the bathroom ?
26 That 's why she did n't tell you !
27 I do n't know why she spoke to me , what was special about me , why she did n't ignore me the way she ignored everyone else .
28 Quite why she did n't like it , she was n't sure , but then , she was n't sure of anything very much where Leo was concerned .
29 And why had she secretly kept it all those years , when she did n't want it ?
30 ‘ Where did n't you hide it , ’ said mum , ‘ you show me where you did n't hide it . ’
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