Example sentences of "[Wh adv] [art] [noun] [verb] to [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It says erm The theme is an urgently felt personal one , an exploration of how a woman comes to maturity in the world of the writer 's youth .
2 Every region is proud to show off its specialities when the Tour comes to town , both in food and wine .
3 Since 1979 , when the Government came to power , coal imports have increased from 4 million tonnes to 19 millions tonnes , an increase of 346 per cent. , which has had the effect of wiping out the coal fields of south Wales , damaging our balance of payments , costing the taxpayer £8,500 for every one of the tens of thousands of unemployed miners , and making us dreadfully dependent on foreign supplies .
4 As a result of the Government 's policy , the pensioner 's widow is more than £17 per week less well off in real terms than she was when the Government came to power .
5 Will he now give us the figures for the whole period since 1979 , when the Government came to office ?
6 Now , as though solaced by the memory she said , ‘ I have known times when the water went to ice .
7 Contrary to Labour 's claims , the report said the proportion of national income spent on education is almost the same now ( 5.1 per cent ) as it was when the Conservatives came to power in 1979 ( 5.2 per cent ) .
8 Police salaries adjusted for inflation went up from 983 million in 1979 when the Conservatives came to power , to 2,378 million by 1987 , a rise of some 47 per cent in real terms .
9 Since 1979 when the Conservatives came to power Durham Constabulary has received approval for 40 extra officers , a three per cent increase .
10 After criticising Government policy since 1979 , when the Conservatives came to power , Mr Clarke said : ‘ For John Major to claim credit for Hoover jobs staying Scotland — thanks to him opting out of the Social Chapter and keeping wages down — is a disgraceful betrayal of the Scottish workforce .
11 It was thought that he would be able to rest better during the day when the unit switched to night shooting , but daughter Emma only a few weeks old — had other ideas .
12 For some , the crime may even pay : thus in the Goodrich disc-brake scandal of the late 1960s , when the company attempted to foist a defective brake-disc system on to a customer who happened to be too clever to be deceived , two of the main executives involved were later promoted ( Vandivier 1972 : 33 ) .
13 If , contrary to this sworn determination , the defence of justification is not proceeded with when the matter comes to trial , his conduct in recklessly signalling a defence which does not materialise can inflate the damages alarmingly .
14 The tranquiliser and the bottle are poor comforters when the time comes to part for ever from those we love .
15 Emigration began to Curação in the Dutch West Indies in the 1930s , when the Madeirans went to work in the petroleum industry there .
16 No business shall be transacted at any meeting unless a quorum is present at the time when the meeting proceeds to business .
17 No business shall be transacted at any meeting unless a quorum is present at the time when the meeting proceeds to business .
18 This is the one when the robot come to dinner they came on Christmas day .
19 And there 's when the robot comes to dinner .
20 The film did not attempt to explain why the Americans went to war in Vietnam , but surpassed any previous film in examining the pressures to which the American soldier was subjected and his reaction to them .
21 As the provisions for Scotland and for England and Wales are contained in the same Bill , can the right hon. Gentleman explain why the schedules relating to imprisonment as an enforcement penalty still apply to England and Wales , whereas the Debtors ( Scotland ) Act 1987 abolished that penalty for Scotland ?
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