Example sentences of "i [vb base] [art] hon. " in BNC.

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1 I commend the hon. Gentleman for his work on the link between Pittsburgh and Newry .
2 I regret the hon. Gentleman 's remarks about the British library , because it will be a great new building .
3 I want the hon. Member for Alyn and Deeside to respond , because , although that is an increase of 40 per cent .
4 I want the hon. Member for Alyn and Deeside to respond .
5 I want the hon. Member for Alyn and Deeside to respond .
6 I urge the hon. Gentleman to go to Friern hospital .
7 I urge the hon. Gentleman to get a copy of the Evening Standard every night and to have a look .
8 I welcome the hon. Lady to the Opposition Front-Bench team .
9 I welcome the hon. Gentleman to the Dispatch Box and to his newly appointed position .
10 Again , I welcome the hon. Gentleman 's constructive suggestion .
11 I welcome the hon. Member for Gedling ( Mr. Mitchell ) to the Friday crowd .
12 I welcome the hon. Lady 's comments .
13 I welcome the hon. Member for Manchester , Withington ( Mr. Bradley ) to the Opposition Front Bench and look forward to many a debate with him .
14 I count the hon. Gentleman as a friend .
15 I support the hon. Gentleman 's observations on the need for the circumstances of such cases to be made known .
16 The hon. Gentleman challenged me , but I challenge the hon. Gentleman to provide the examples of where we said that .
17 Of course I give the hon. Gentleman that assurance .
18 Of course I give the hon. Gentleman the pledge that we shall take up any of those cases , should he send the details to me .
19 I give the hon. Gentleman the benefit of the doubt and assume that he did not hear what I said , not once but twice , perhaps because of the noise coming from his hon. Friend the Member for Carrick , Cumnock and Doon Valley ( Mr. Foulkes ) , seated beside him , who referred to 236 admissions .
20 I appreciate the hon. Gentleman 's concern .
21 I appreciate the hon. Gentleman 's views ; I also appreciate the fact that he is presenting a proposal to the House of Commons .
22 I appreciate the hon. and learned Gentleman 's personal remarks .
23 I consider the hon. Gentleman 's remarks a little premature .
24 I contest the hon. Gentleman 's assertions at the end of his supplementary question .
25 I accept the hon. Gentleman 's offer on the basis on which it was made .
26 Mr. Walker : I deplore the Hon. Gentleman 's emotional words .
27 However , every time I hear the hon. Member for Westminster , North , I am disappointed , because he is such an awful Government apologist , and is renowned as such .
28 I refer the hon. Gentleman to the reply that I gave some moments ago .
29 I refer the hon. Gentleman to the reply that I gave some moments ago .
30 I refer the hon. and learned Gentleman to the reply that I gave a few moments ago .
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