Example sentences of "i [adv] point out " in BNC.

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1 This is not to dismiss the problems of realisation and effective demand that Luxemburg pointed to , rather I merely point out that equilibrium growth is possible even with a rising organic composition of capital .
2 I , I do n't think I ever said that we could n't go ahead with it this year , I merely pointed out , I merely
3 Commenting last night on his willingness to fight for Ulster , he said : ‘ I merely pointed out that if that situation was forced upon us I would defend my country .
4 So , you know , I just point out that .
5 Can I just point out that something here , erm , was , I think I mentioned about my children it was the height of the table and its just so little that , that they indicate their in height in this picture , but it is there and , erm , that , I found that really very exciting and as I say the , The Threes , it , the three goblets , the three apples the three puppies , so often I 've , I 've found that there is three sets of , three objects and in
6 Can I just point out though you see this , the difference between NUPE and NALGO and that , we have n't got a problem .
7 Can I just point out , also , on the weight thing
8 As I have mentioned them , may I just point out that Spratts Peas are delicious with chipped potatoes or an omelette or simply naked from the tin .
9 May I just point out to members that er , we are making , Smallwood are making a very considerable contribution this time .
10 In paragraphs two onwards , I give the names of the local governments staff commission , erm , what their statutory it is , and can I just point out at the bottom of the page , paragraph five , please remember that the staff commission is advisory and it has in itself no mandatory powers .
11 My Lord Mayor , can I just point out , I did n't see Councillor hand going in the air .
12 Thank you Chairman , could I I just point out to members that the working ground information on existing flight levels being made publicly available is already included in the little resolution , resolution little six on your original paper , ballot example .
13 Might I just point out that that he did send his apologies , and er he also sent us a a donation of twenty pounds .
14 Could I just point out that councillor that contrary to call my bluff , deviation and repetition are no grounds for allowing allowing .
15 I do help if I can , but I also point out to them that the help is to members of the ( and I send them details and a membership application form — but this rarely has any effect ; I do n't even get an acknowledgment as a rule ) .
16 Erm on that I also point out that in terms of commuting , the next stop after York is Leeds , so a settlement on the A sixty four corridor is ideally placed with regards to rail transport , to the centre of Leeds .
17 While we are on the subject , may I also point out that it is not on the FRCC guides that have printed so many incorrect ‘ historical facts ’ .
18 Can I also point out that erm the association of natural body builders stipulate that a contest must be held in a seated theatre such as this .
19 May I also point out you 'd need an exceptional pilot . ’
20 I also pointed out that if you scratch me I bite , ’ he reminded her softly .
21 I also pointed out the difficulty of bringing a peer down from the Upper House-not only the short-term difficulty of the delay but also the psychological impact on the country .
22 As I then pointed out , finding the character of the Abbot is what the child in the Durham Cathedral play is not required to do .
23 I then pointed out to him that I strongly deprecated a dissolution at this moment as I had implicit confidence in him and in the Conservative Party now in power , and I considered that as most countries in Europe , if not in the world , were in a chaotic and indeed dangerous state , it would be a pity if this country were to be plunged into the turmoil of a General Election on a question of domestic policy which will arouse all the old traditional bitterness of the hard fought battles between Protection and Free Trade : also that it was quite possible that his majority might be reduced , or that he might not get a majority at all .
24 If you read this end to end Ron I 'd be very grateful but let me just point out to you we 've agreed twenty eighth , if you bring it forward great .
25 Let me just point out to you that last year if you remember they asked you to describe the the passage where Jesus is crucified , that 's 1521 to 31 and I guess they wo n't do that again this year , but they 're likely to pick on a significant passage , significant section then you 're asked to relate it relate the passage at the end of Mark 's Gospel where Jesus is crucified .
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