Example sentences of "i [adv] ask the " in BNC.

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1 . Can I just ask the other question perhaps which is relevant when people do make a contribution if they actually identify themselves so that may be useful if actually know who people are representing themselves or representing an organisation .
2 Er could I just ask the advice of the assembled expertise here ?
3 Mr can I just ask the erm about the I think it 's very that he 's produced this er so that we can look across and make sort of comparisons between the proposals of the groups .
4 NK : May I also ask the Right Honourable Gentleman which way the wind is blowing ?
5 Can I now ask the general secretary to do the roll call John .
6 Can I now ask the General Secretary to say a few words .
7 Could I then ask the clerk to read the words that have been proposed to be added to number two as it stands on page one eight five .
8 Could I then ask the convenor to respond to it please .
9 So could I therefore ask the minister to , on another matter , to ensure that later in his remarks would he agree to the proposal that the right to a postal vote should be highly publicised in this country , perhaps by putting the R P F nine A form in the newspapers well before the closing date of May the twentieth .
10 Let me also ask the Minister to deal with the whole question of the inclusion of suspicions .
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