Example sentences of "[indef pn] can [not/n't] [verb] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It is clear that one can not give a general rule .
2 One can not hide the exact value of a book token , and therefore in recession we are somewhat disadvantaged . ’
3 In direct criticism of Wolfenden , he argues that one can not make a simple distinction between public and private morality .
4 But one can not guess the political colour of the speaker .
5 Nor does it mean that failure to achieve total abstinence from all potentially mood-altering substances and behaviours means that one can not achieve a considerable measure of recovery .
6 It is difficult to differentiate between flight performances of many of the third generation designs , particularly when one can not expect a constant windspeed .
7 In any case , it is permissable to observe that one can not regard the same problem as occuring here .
8 Most patients with effortful , poorly articulated speech will have ungrammatical speech output with good speech comprehension , but not all — any two of these symptoms can exist without the third , so one can not offer a single theory accounting for all three symptoms at once .
9 While appreciating the sophistication and fluidity of de Gaulle 's conceptions , one can not overlook the extreme reactions they provoked at the time or the extensive and mostly critical academic literature that has grown up around them since then .
10 ( This , in passing , shows that one can not reduce the potential meaning of to the notions " future " , " potential " , " unrealized " or " hypothetical " . )
11 ‘ Ravvolse il volo ’ can be dated between 1630 and 1636 by a textual reference , and the famous ‘ Ferito un cavaliero ’ , a lament for Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden , is almost certainly a late work composed in 1655 in anticipation of the visit to Rome of Gustavus 's daughter , Christina , a recent Catholic convert ; one can not imagine a Roman composer celebrating the Protestant hero at any earlier date .
12 One can not say the same for those films which make specific connections between earlier events in British history and now .
13 One can then say that the mean velocity gradient depends only on u τ and y , although one can not say the same for U because it is separated from its origin by a region in which v is important .
14 President Ali Akbar Rafsanjani on the same day dismissed the reports as " mendacious propaganda and blackmail " , saying : " We must make America understand that today one can not use the deceitful weapon of disarmament to threaten other countries and to interfere in their affairs . "
15 One can not use the fundamental laws to deduce human behavior , for the reasons I have explained .
16 So it is not possible to test Goody 's hypothesis since one can not find an isolated society on which to test the cognitive and other consequences of ‘ purely ’ oral communication .
17 One can not have a single quark on its own because it would have a color ( red , green , or blue ) .
18 But , in Briggs words , ‘ there is no reason in principle why one can not have the best of both worlds ’ , he believed he had found just that in Sanskrit — a bridge between natural and artificial languages .
19 Obviously , one can not add the two figures of 0.67 per cent and 0.58 per cent to arrive at the total contribution of education , since there is an overlap between the two , i.e. advances in knowledge must have affected advances in the education of the labour force and vice versa .
20 One can not prove a personal judgment of this kind , and I do not expect immediate assent to it .
21 From the Durbin-Watson statistic which Barro reports one can not reject the null hypothesis ( although , strictly speaking , the Durbin-Watson test is not applicable because of the presence of the lagged dependent variable ) .
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