Example sentences of "it meant [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 This did not mean that he was at all sympathetic to evolutionary ideas , which seemed crude and mechanical ; but he was not patient either with ‘ Bridgewater writing ’ , because it meant seeing the hand of God more in some things than others .
2 It 's about time somebody killed this ‘ debate ’ dead in its tracks , even if it meant stating the obvious ; that postmodernism is nothing more than Situationism without the socialism , the archetypal assimilation of revolutionary technique and terminology .
3 It meant breaking the gates down .
4 After a successful return the crowd again got at the youth and Chapman decided to let him go , ‘ though it meant sacrificing a player who , I was convinced , had exceptional possibilities of development ’ .
5 such informal group norms were important to the workers even to the extent that an individual worker might refuse promotion if it meant leaving the group ;
6 She turned in that direction even though it meant leaving the path .
7 ‘ I turned down a new contract at the end of the season , even though it meant getting a testimonial next year because I 've got to be playing in the Premier League to confirm my place in the Irish side .
8 Newman accepted the job , even though it meant taking a drop in salary .
9 She would show him what it meant to rouse a sleeping volcano .
10 Such pugilistic interludes were usually short-lived however , for it meant incurring the wrath of the landlord , one Nathanial Nelmes , better known as ‘ Knocker ’ .
11 Although the viewers would still see the planned number of episodes , production-wise it meant re-engaging the regular cast for an extra week 's recording : potentially expensive as contracts would need to be re-negotiated .
12 Mr Scargill says the Soviet pitmen 's present was intended for international purposes , but the Soviet democratic labour movement says it meant to ease the hardship of striking British miners .
13 Since the party was dominated by trade unions accepting it meant accepting an intricate network of loyalties rather than accepting socialism : Idealism was in fact rather less necessary , or sustaining , than loyalty within a trade-union dominated Labour Party .
14 Perhaps Cromwell , when he passed , also found the door of Coldingham Priory locked and decided that he would get in anyway , even if it meant removing a whole wall in order to do so .
15 Not knowing what it meant to have a past , he did n't miss it .
16 In his notice of appeal he contends that the judge was wrong in law to reject the submission made on his behalf that any consideration of the welfare of the children in the context of the exercise of a judicial discretion under article 13 ( a ) of the Convention was only relevant as a material factor if it meant placing the children in an intolerable situation under article 13 ( b ) .
17 He questioned whether it would be possible to prosecute them with any chance of success with the present rules of evidence and he would be against proceeding if it meant changing the way in which the courts worked .
18 If one of us was really late , but could be seen running to catch the tram , Carnera waited , even if it meant starting a little behind time .
19 Only because it meant knocking the others over like , you know .
20 Not by cheating … but if it meant trimming the petals with a pair of scisasors ten minutes before walking out the hall and the judge wo n't notice it …
21 Clearly ( as the employers were quick to point out ) keyboarding had nothing in common with what a man had learnt during his apprenticeship : it meant acquiring a new skill , But the men 's reluctance is still Surprising , and seems to be unique to Edinburgh .
22 In practice , it meant protecting the broadcasters from politicians and pressure groups more than the other way round .
23 And it meant sampling a more ‘ dilute ’ domain of creativity , few of the individuals studied entering the ranks of the great innovators ( though they , in any case , are rarely recognised as such during their lifetimes ) .
24 The new French Agriculture and Forestry Minister , Louis Mermaz , said that France would not be pushed into an accord even if it meant extending the December deadline for completing the GATT talks .
25 The other part questioned whether in fact she really did want to get engaged to Harry if it meant leading a dreary life waiting for him to make his way in the world .
26 This move considerably upset the Russians since , apart from anything else , it meant redrawing a lot of their maps .
27 But Elton probably would n't mind exchanging his sparkling shorts to suffer Adams ' lumberjack shirts if it meant having a song at number one for 16 weeks like the Canadian rocker did
28 Whenever the word translated " atonement " was used it meant paying a price — a ransom price .
29 McNeill was reluctant to accept because it meant asking the club for 14 tickets .
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