Example sentences of "it ca [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ After all , it ca n't matter if someone who knows us sees us together at this late stage , Luke .
2 And wh what tends to happen is the dreams are , are , are repetitive , although they often vary in small details , and the idea is , or this was Freud 's , Freud 's idea , and basically it 's the same as his explanation of anxiety dreams , that , that what is happening here is that the mind has got a very disturbing latent content that it ca n't forget .
3 It ca n't go on like this .
4 You can see yourself it ca n't go on . ’
5 It ca n't go far , it 's no use to us as it is and we may be able to pick it up some other time . ’
6 It ca n't go on for ever because characters such as the Fat Slags ( right ) can only go on so long before the joke starts to wear thin .
7 ‘ Now the other kneeling-down human has said , ‘ Well , whatever it is , it 's behind this panel and it ca n't go anywhere . ’ ‘
8 But it ca n't go on forever .
9 She thought , It ca n't go on .
10 It ca n't go on like this !
11 It ca n't go on for ever . ’
12 I just feel it ca n't go on much longer .
13 I think the way it should be tackled is speak to about it , say that we still believe that y'know it ca n't go on forever obviously it ca n't go on forever because I think the longer it goes on the worse it 'll become in all honesty
14 I think the way it should be tackled is speak to about it , say that we still believe that y'know it ca n't go on forever obviously it ca n't go on forever because I think the longer it goes on the worse it 'll become in all honesty
15 No it ca n't go up there .
16 Okay it ca n't go any further with the two or with the three .
17 it might be better to use like just wait on the edge of like a or something like that the other groundhog just hangs out there , it ca n't go back down in its hole .
18 If it does n't work , always try R star 1 again , it ca n't go wrong .
19 And it ca n't eat Glace/1 Mints .
21 This seemed to us to have a very high priority but it ca n't continue to have a high priority if we 're pushing against a closed door .
22 And it ca n't feed itself .
23 It ca n't erase the injustices in the world .
24 It ca n't last for ever .
25 We 've been brought up to know that it ca n't last and we 're deeply suspicious of what we disdainfully see as decadent ‘ beach bimbos ’ .
26 And at each instant of its happening , its bitter-sweet wonder is that you know it ca n't last .
27 But anyway ’ — she nodded her head briskly now — ‘ it ca n't last for ever .
28 Jungle Boy and City Girl reach for the stars but it ca n't last , can it ?
29 It has it ca n't stop growing .
30 But the RSPCA says a loophole in the law means it ca n't stop one of the worst offenders from owning animals , despite his appalling record .
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