Example sentences of "it can hardly [be] " in BNC.

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1 It can hardly be pure coincidence that within three years of Kinsey 's appearance the limits of permissible sexual explicitness in the arts and entertainment had radically changed and with them the public image of the ideal woman as projected in , above all , films .
2 It can hardly be said that the German Empire contained Prussia .
3 It can hardly be said that his optimism was fully justified , though ironically enough the supply did become more than adequate in most seasons from the middle of the century onwards , when traffic dropped away .
4 .. It can hardly be considered that to ask an employee to acquire basic skills as to retrieving information from a computer … is something in the slightest esoteric or even , nowadays , unusual .
5 But it can hardly be overemphasized that the new images were not constructed in any artificial , mechanistic sense , separate , as it were , from attitudes and real social relationships on the one hand and , on the other , the economic and political structures of society .
6 But it can hardly be said that the relationship between the two sectors has been as mutually productive as it might be .
7 But it can hardly be denied that there is a moral duty to protest when a society is governed unfairly , unjustly , or in a corrupt or slipshod manner .
8 Although it can hardly be described as state-of-the-art software , it 's still worth a look .
9 Curiously , the reason why some species of dinosaur became very large is seldom addressed in either the popular or academic literature , and yet as an anatomical fact it can hardly be side-stepped .
10 It can hardly be sensible , say , to require a sheep farmer to produce accounts to 31 March in the middle of the lambing season .
11 Mrs Heatherton 's son John is not present today , and that will sorely disappoint all the young ladies present ; he is so handsome it can hardly be believed . ’
12 It seems to us to be an evolutionary survival factor : the more intelligent a species , the more likely it is to survive in the long term ; this is a reasonable hypothesis , but it can hardly be considered as any more than that .
13 It can hardly be relevant to my son 's murder .
14 In small birds it can hardly be rendered except as a blur of wings ; we can sometimes see their wingspread clearly when they threaten each other or quarrel at bird tables .
15 It can hardly be coincidental that these remarkable evolutionary events , taking place within only a few million years , correspond so closely in time with an episode of exceptional igneous and urogenic activity ( Larsen & Pitman , 1972 ) , the rapid disintegration of Pangaea ( Hallam , 1980 ) and the biggest marine transgression since the mid-Palaeozoic , apparently produced either by a phase of accelerated sea-floor spreading or by a dramatic increase in the length of the ocean ridge system .
16 It can hardly be said that anything very surprising emerges in the pupils ’ criticism of teachers .
17 And it can hardly be coincidental that James is referred to as ‘ Zadok ’ .
18 Joseph Needham 's only indexed reference to dreaming in ancient China is tantalizingly brief : Oneiromancy , or prognostication by dreams , was also practised in China , as in most ancient civilisations , though it can hardly be said to have taken a very important place there .
19 Yet governments ought to resist the temptation to dismiss peace movements as representing only a minority opinion , for it is in the nature of a wider but vaguer anxiety about the issue that it can hardly be organized or form the basis of a coherent campaign .
20 The last remark could be made of financial problems also , yet , even in these hard times , it can hardly be said that insoluble money problems beset over half the population of Britain .
21 Circumstances and what may amount to encouragement by the victim may sometimes mitigate the offence and , particularly under such conditions , impulsive or specifically planned rape is no more than an offence — it can hardly be thought of as deviant in the true sense of the word .
22 The opening phrase " The poor young man is significant in this respect : since it can hardly be treated as Pemberton 's own self-pitying assessment of himself , it must be taken as the author 's narrative voice ; and thus establishes , from the beginning , a relation between the author and the main character which is at the same time sympathetic and distanced .
23 It can hardly be of great value to them out on the open ocean where they spend the bulk of their time , except perhaps to detect the stench of a floating carcass on which they might feed .
24 This declaration followed a denunciation of the City of London , drawing attention to the chief actors in the Guinness scandal : ‘ It can hardly be a coincidence that those in the dock are all Jews . ’
25 Furthermore , since the board is dominated by the most senior representatives of management ( this term will be used , except where the context requires otherwise , to refer to the executive directors and senior managers ) it can hardly be regarded as a body providing independent supervision of management on the shareholders ' behalf .
26 The style of the figures is manifestly provincial and need not be so early as it looks at first glance , but it can hardly be after the mid century .
27 Although the charge could be laid that CCM depends upon the imitation of other forms , so great is its variety and so gifted its musicians that it can hardly be accused of lacking originality .
28 Thus the question remains an open one , and it can hardly be said that the hotel proprietor had put his property to any special or unusually sensitive use .
29 It can hardly be one 's fault if one has been preordained to rob a bank .
30 Although the Stack Light Rifle or SLR combines the looks of a gun with part of the optical system of a camera it can hardly be rated as a precision piece of equipment .
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