Example sentences of "it be claimed [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Only by engaging in extreme forms of economic casuistry can it be claimed that such things can be supplied satisfactorily without the agency of government at either national or local level .
2 It is not merely that there are portraits of him at every turn , for there are almost as many of Inglis , nor could it be claimed that he was the greatest lawyer , for he had many rivals for that title even in his own generation , yet it is beyond argument that he was the most influential advocate ever to walk the floor of Parliament House .
3 Clearly , there is an element of political value judgment in such decisions : in 1921 a judge held that reasonable citizens would not think less of a trade unionist if it were claimed that he had worked during a strike : some juries might reach a different decision today .
4 In spite of it being claimed that Sunday was the Lord 's day and therefore a day of rest , all in all it was one of the most tiring days of the week .
5 If the petition is presented in respect of a debt payable at some future time , it being claimed that the debtor appears to have no reasonable prospect of being able to pay it , the court may , on the debtor 's application , order that security for the debtor 's costs be given , and no hearing of the petition can take place until the security has been given .
6 Critchley 's party-piece has the rounded phrasing , the well-turned punchline of frequent rehearsal ( it 's claimed that some of his fans can recite it back to him ) , but it captures the tone of the Tories in those days perfectly .
7 It concerned the toxic effects of atmospheric lead and was characterised by a series of comments like ‘ It 's claimed that even low levels of lead can cause brain damage ’ , ‘ It 's been difficult to get conclusive evidence ’ , ‘ There 's a whole lot of evidence ’ , ‘ Yes but there is conflicting evidence ’ , all delivered without any one of the four speakers actually providing figures to explain what the concern and disagreement was all about .
8 Once again it 's claimed that the algae is toxic enough to kill animals , specifically two dogs according to the Glasgow Daily Record .
9 Again it 's claimed that the smallest unit — the 300 — can be used on fishtanks .
10 With the correct flow rates it 's claimed that water changes are virtually redundant .
11 It 's claimed that for some men and women it 's like a drug they ca n't do without — and they end up like any other addict , ruining their lives , desperate for the next ‘ fix ’ .
12 It 's claimed that clearing Dickens and Jones in Milton Keynes on a busy pre-Christmas shopping day cost the firm one hundred thousand pounds in lost business .
13 It 's claimed that Gilbey spoke to the Princess of Wales , who was using an ordinary domestic telephone .
14 It 's claimed that Gilbey spoke to the Princess of Wales , who was using an ordinary domestic telephone .
15 It 's claimed that the fox is a predator , killing lambs and free range chickens and must be controlled ; an argument not accepted by the RSPCA .
16 The body of Alan Chalky White was found in lake fifty six at the Cotswold Water Park in 1989 … the same lake , it 's claimed that was used to hide the drugs.Tim Hurst reports from Winchester Crown Court .
17 It 's claimed that the laser-engraved cards are fraud-proof at a cost of £1.20 each to produce , compared with 25p for the old cards It 's an investment that the industry hopes will beat the fraudsters hands down .
18 It 's claimed that Honda is turning away job applicants who belong to a union .
19 It 's claimed that the jail now houses almost double the number of prisoners it was designed for .
20 It 's claimed that the secret GCHQ listening centre is even trawling through personal phone calls abroad in its search for useful information .
21 So rather than pay nine pounds ninety pence it 's claimed that many lorry drivers take a detour through gloucester , then heading back down the A48 through Newhnam .
22 It 's claimed that he was secretly paid commission for awarding work to three firms in Italy , Germany and Norway .
23 IT 'S claimed that next to losing a spouse , moving house is one of the most stressful things you 're likely to go through .
24 It 's claimed as the hangar burned the two men were seen pointing at the flames and laughing .
25 It is claimed that catering colleges have failed to get to grips with the developments of technology , acknowledge its importance and provide students with a level of understanding based on the industry 's needs .
26 In a poststructuralist development of the idea , it is claimed that the most literary texts can offer is the endless ‘ free play of signifiers ’ .
27 It is in this latter sense that very often it is claimed that the Conservative Party is advocating an incomes policy , by which is simply meant that the policies which we advocate would , we believe , have as a result the stability of money values and thus have the effect that increases in earnings were real and not merely monetary .
28 The same interests have dominated his 10 years at Westminster , and it is claimed that he has redistributed more than £60 million from the taxpayer to the poor by challenging the DHSS in test cases .
29 Thus it is claimed that , under Socialist International rules , the Labour Party is forbidden to enter the SDLP 's territory and engage in electoral competition with it in Northern Ireland .
30 With a new battery-operated tool from Germany , called the Aris Precision Cutter , it is claimed that even the most ham-fisted wallpaper hanger can get a perfect finish every time .
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