Example sentences of "to [be] assumed [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Someone had thus moved the body , and it had to be assumed that it was the same person who had pushed her on to the plough .
2 As the centuries passed and the second coming receded into the remote future , it came more and more to be assumed that the final verdict could be pre-empted .
3 It is accepted that not every ‘ foul ’ committed in breach of the rules amounts to a crime , and it seems to be assumed that players do , and may lawfully , consent to physical force over and above the minimum permitted by the rules .
4 It is to be assumed that his results on the Flettner rotor are as valid .
5 This mode of study was too time-consuming to be suited to the part-time student and it had to be assumed that these benefits would be provided by the employer and the real-life work situation .
6 Whereas it used to be assumed that she would follow him around the country and around the world , it is now not uncommon for wives to decide to stay put in order to further their own careers , or so that they do not disrupt their children 's education .
7 It is now widely recognized that all such attempts have failed , yet it continues to be assumed that the rational agent has somehow pulled himself up by his bootstraps out of reach of his own spontaneity .
8 The lidless 1664 parish coffin at Howden Minster , Yorkshire , is of 3/4-inch oak , better constructed than the Easingwold model , though with identical iron rings and , as there are no nail or screw holes on the upper width of the side panels , it is to be assumed that the lid was of the Easingwold type .
9 But if wives , as wives , are unable to generate a reasonable income for themselves and their children either from the state or from the labour market , then it has to be assumed that their husbands will ‘ keep ’ them .
10 Instead , he allows it to be assumed that the council 's plans for the coronation of Edward V were in line with the king 's sagax dispositio as embodied in the codicils to his will .
11 It has to be assumed that the recipients were at least acceptable to Gloucester , and some can be shown to have had dealings with him in the previous reign .
12 In the 1830s , the British geologist Charles Lyell argued that to establish geology as a rigorous science , it had to be assumed that the forces that had sculpted the earth 's surface in the past were identical , both in kind and intensity , to those acting now .
13 Nor ought it to be assumed that the spectrum of lobbies and special-interest groups represents all the proper and vital concerns of society , or that such concerns are properly embodied in balances and compromises between them .
14 It is to be assumed that in normative development the child passes through this stage towards a more mature relationship and perception .
15 As little as 40 years or so ago , it often tended to be assumed that there was a nice simple relationship , a sort of ‘ black box ’ effect , that looked like Figure 6.1 .
16 … For the purpose of these proceedings it is to be assumed that the plaintiff 's injuries as subsisting at the time of her birth were caused by the act or omission of the defendant in the driving of his car .
17 I was frequently called out of my classes to interpret for him , and it began to be assumed that he would never talk at all .
18 Unless it is to be assumed that all these territories represent kingdoms established by the Mercians , what the evidence indicates is that the Mercian leaders were extending their influence into originally independent kingdoms on their borders .
19 The hat and coat had been delivered the previous evening by an officer of the Kha-Khan 's guard , and since the news of Jehana 's betrothal had been spread through the court hours earlier it had to be assumed that Artai had heard of it , and that either he was inclined to forgive the offence which might be supposed to exist , or else he was pretending that he was aware of none .
20 In determining what constitutes a reasonable prospect it is to be assumed that the prospect given by the facts and other matters known to the creditor at the time he entered into the transaction resulting in the debt was a reasonable prospect ( s 271(4) ) .
21 Is it to be assumed that his very presence amounts to an implied threat ?
22 It is to be assumed that the general circumstances of the market remain unchanged throughout this period ; that there is , for instance , no change in fashion or taste , no new substitute which might affect the demand , no new invention to disturb the supply .
23 Instead , he allows it to be assumed that the council 's plans for the coronation of Edward V were in line with the king 's sagax dispositio as embodied in the codicils to his will .
24 It has to be assumed that the recipients were at least acceptable to Gloucester , and some can be shown to have had dealings with him in the previous reign .
25 It used to be assumed that the barbarians were settled according to the Roman practice of billeting , whereby a soldier was given one-third of a house .
26 IT HAS always tended to be assumed that governments , by and large , prefer things to go well .
27 This will involve identifying the liabilities and risks to be assumed and the state of the assets being acquired .
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