Example sentences of "to [noun sg] herself [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Once , after a particularly sharp contraction , she had a sudden wish to unburden herself to her mother , to tell her that her grandchild had nothing to do with John Carrow , but that its father bore a striking resemblance to Tom Tremayne .
2 Jane is convinced that this refusal to unburden herself to friends led to increased frustrations for her mother .
3 He appreciated how that quality was still apparent tonight ; although now , in the half-light , he thought he could detect something else : relief , perhaps , at being able to unburden herself at last .
4 Emilia showed little wish to speak , Louisa had to content herself with reading aloud beside the bed , though the books she suggested were soon rejected in favour of such verses as those of Felicia Hemans and Anna Letitia Barbauld — works that were not at all to her own taste .
5 Miss Merchiston , who had refused to wear mourning up until today , was now correctly attired in black crêpe , but Theda had been obliged to content herself with her dark stuff gown and black ribbons to her cap .
6 Surely it would be better to content herself with that than stay on , laying herself open to inevitable heartbreak .
7 This time she was able to trap the playful retort before it made it from her mind to her mouth , managing to content herself with an indifferent lift of the shoulders .
8 Nevertheless , some spark of remaining pride had driven her to array herself in a sprig muslin gown she had bought with the peach , topped by a pretty chipstraw bonnet that at least provided a little place to hide her face under its poking brim .
9 Hers is a vulnerable yet crucial role as negotiator between difference : typically she is one who refuses to outcast herself from the black community and family , because aware of its value and importance , yet by virtue of that same tact subjected within them to sexual discrimination : ‘ we straddle the fence that says we can not be uplifters of the race and lesbians at the same time ’ ( ‘ Talking about It ’ , 54 ) .
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