Example sentences of "have [be] sit in " in BNC.

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1 And there 's Master Tristram pretending he 's not listening to his father , who might 've been sitting in the Fowey stocks by now if it was n't for that same father 's efforts . "
2 He 'd been sitting in the car so long , it was hard for him to run .
3 Another unemployed divorcee said he 'd been sitting in his room late one night talking with a fellow inmate :
4 Her face and neck felt as if she 'd been sitting in the heat of an oven .
5 A lady phoned in saying she 'd been sitting in a café when some animal rights campaigners carrying collection tins arrived and ordered a meal .
6 ‘ If I had any political objectives I would have been sitting in my cantonment ( barracks ) scheming and planning , ’ Gen Beg said .
7 Okay you may not have ever seen him , he may just have been sitting in the car , then remember his colour maybe his moustache and then the type of car he had .
8 You may have been sat in the Wendover if you 've come on the Sunday , but even having breakfast I bet you were going , what time do you think we ought to leave .
9 You were with the public , direct contact with the public and er I would hate to have been sat in an office and just looked at four walls .
10 Later that evening they had been sitting in a restaurant and Maggie had looked at Tom and said , her delicate face and long neck almost visibly aquiver with pleasure ,
11 ‘ Way you go , Patty , ’ he said softly , and the dog was off , hurling herself along the embankment , all paws and flying ears , after a rabbit who had been sitting in a patch of sun but disappeared with contemptuous ease as she came close .
12 He would have posed the same question if he had been sitting in her position .
13 Jack had been sitting in the chair while Franca stood before him .
14 He had been sitting in the post all morning , waiting , as they all were , British and Americans alike , for Zack 's latest and maybe last call .
15 In October , in a similarly light-hearted vein , he recounted to Virginia Woolf how he had been sitting in the wings of the Westminster Theatre ( where Sweeney Agonistes was playing ) and , on another occasion , lighting fireworks in the company of John Hayward and W. H. Auden .
16 She was the first television celebrity he had met in the flesh , and he still could not quite believe the woman who had been sitting in front of him was the same one he had watched so regularly on the box .
17 It seemed that when he had arrested the thief , and reported to Sergia , she had been sitting in an ornate chair made of a local high-gloss hardwood .
18 When one complainant alleged that he had been sitting in the Common Bench while the complainant had had his proper challenges to jurors refused , the auditors of complaints simply accepted his statement that he had been sitting on the bench not as a justice but as a well-wisher of the complainant 's opponent ( the prior of Sempringham ) .
19 Dottie Banks had been sitting in the auditorium , so she was exonerated , with the same proviso .
20 She crouched forward in the chair , her muscles stiff , as if she had been sitting in the cold for a long time .
21 The two young people had been sitting in silence for most of the time Nahum had been upstairs , Seb gazing morosely into the fire and Carrie reading at the kitchen table .
22 At the time Patten had been sitting in his Smith Square office , gently smoothing the bags beneath his eyes .
23 Some members of the crew had been sitting in the bows and it was only when they denied having seen her that he began to search seriously .
24 They 've been sitting during this meditation on her short useless history as a Socialist , they 've been sitting in the dark and now the moon rises , full and amber against a bar of cloud and Harriet 's face is bowed ; a drink at one hand ; and a cigarette droops glowing from the other .
25 Griddles and flaming wheels seem a pretty soft option when you 've been sitting in pitch darkness with your pants full of scorpions .
26 You 've been sitting in a side road waiting to come out , and you see a vehicle coming along and it 's got its left-hand indicator on and you think Oh lovely !
27 I know times I get it , like maybe just at one side , if I 've been sitting in a hard seat
28 ‘ You 've been sitting in that damned cottage for nigh on a year and you 've become a coward .
29 ‘ Sorry to be a pest , ’ Travis apologised , ‘ but I saw you come back without Naylor , ’ and while Leith was rapidly trying to find an excuse for her return to the house without the man everyone knew she had gone walking with , she found that Travis was too involved with his own miseries to want to delve into hers , for he went on , ‘ I 've been sitting in the library thinking about Rosemary , and getting more and more uptight about our situation , when you ran in and I started to think about phoning her .
30 They have been sitting in the back of the mini-van , swapping football scores and smoking cigarettes .
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