Example sentences of "have [verb] sort [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He 'd got sort of hard in consequence .
2 sometimes it may be to do with dress , demeanour , mannerisms , you know , kind of again you know people go for oh I do n't know , I mean there 's a conversation er I remember overhearing erm with some friends in Leicester and they , they go to motorbike rallies a lot and erm er they were describing an incident where they pitched their tent at a rally and some blokes came up and pitched their tent next to them and they were erm two blokes had arrived together on the same enormous immaculate motorbike and they 'd got sort of matching leather outfits erm
3 the front wheel i , she 'd gone sort of along it an , and
4 I did n't go till about half ten ah no cos I had a few letters and stuff to write first and I thought right I 'll just take me time and , cos I wanted to I did n't wan na go faster than you know than I should , I should have done sort of thing cos I wanted to time it properly .
5 Well you could have gone sort of like round the Rainbow and that way on .
6 it seems to have got sort of so much more deformed .
7 I do n't know cos I 've never actually erm been in a place where they 've done sort of thing really .
8 Because er we 've done sort of I must Where did I write that if I 've lost that list , I suppose to keep Erm , Ron , tin and then you 've got hankies did n't you ?
9 and you 're at A , let's say , let's say , North is that way , okay , and you you set this up and you have a look , you say , where 's that lighthouse , oh it 's on a bearing of forty five degrees , and a lot later when you 've sailed sort of past the lighthouse , or the lighthouse is behind you , you take a bearing , and you still go around clockwise ,
10 and the fear of people for each other that that lot might take away what I 've got sort of thing .
11 So if you want to just sort of remember them all , as a table we 've got sort of say acid plus metal and see what happens see what 's given off , well we get a salt a lot of the time do n't we and we
12 Er but I think you know , you 've got sort of police walking around all the time , erm it can aggravate things rather than calm them .
13 What comes across in both my interests and any skills which is n't really reconcilable with this I do n't think is that erm I 've got sort of , because of , I think it 's cos of my academic experience cos I did an arts degree with a lot of research and stuff , is that I , I like researching , data collecting , processing information .
14 Erm this , this happens a lot , if I 've got sort of kids and the parents are sitting in , useless .
15 They 've got sort of mind you they have their own training sort of regime as well , which in some ways is , means it 's quite good experience because it is structured in , in a , in a way to give you some training , whereas of course if you just go in to do a job then erm how much sort of training you get varies a bit .
16 Unless erm you 've got sort of
17 Right , so you 've got sort of nine to midday ?
18 And I 've got sort of like sweet and sour with prawns sort of er raising mix for something else .
19 and this weekend they 've got sort of erm vegetables in
20 But we 've got sort of as I say the daffodils out there and
21 Oh yeah but I mean if you 're sitting on a seat or if you 've got sort of have the rails
22 One was slung over my shoulder one had got sort of between two limbs I suspect , holding it round the back like that , and another one was over a protrusion that just seemed handy to hold the lot , and as I walked down the street of course suddenly everybody was glancing at me and I realized what I appeared to be doing .
23 We 've stayed sort of together because of our son , for his sake if you like .
24 Yes , we had drivers that had to do sort of timed deliveries or whatever in the morning , and they , so basically that was the time .
25 erm I think the city must have become a real mess , there were stores piled up everywhere , wood , coal , corn , often I think they had to build sort of , something to hold the corn , there 's a lot of the evidence for that in the college accounts certainly .
26 But erm I 've spent sort of twelve months trying to cope with snippets about S A T S. And his previous teacher who was in the second year , is a really good , very conscientious teacher .
27 No , I 've read sort of odd letters from b bewildered of , of
28 You have develop sort of .
29 Jane 's done sort of a good thing by getting out , but she 's gon na have to be an idiot
30 I would n't recommend this one it 's just this is good for me because it 's got sort of
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