Example sentences of "have [verb] throughout [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Prohibition does not work in preventing alcoholism and never has done throughout history .
2 In other words , if retirement , in either informal or structured versions , has existed throughout history , its recent growth may simply be a tribute to its attractiveness .
3 FAO says the screw-worm would have spread throughout Africa , the Middle East , Southern Europe and eventually Asia , causing ‘ incalculable ’ damage to humans and wildlife .
4 After the fighting stopped , he is thought to have travelled throughout Europe .
5 Demand for steel had slumped throughout Europe and there was no way we could sustain the industry at its existing size .
6 Word of Peter the Great 's skilful physicians had spread throughout Europe and Asia , and in 1715 the Emperor of China sent an Ambassador to Peter asking that an able physician be sent to his palace at Peking .
7 Petrol price increases were cancelled on April 9 , following a strike by taxi drivers , but by this time new outbreaks of rioting , looting and arson had spread throughout Lomé 's working class districts .
8 Within days of the episode , vicious rumours had spread throughout Ayrshire , Rough 's children were pilloried at school and his wife was humiliated on future shopping trips .
9 They agreed a ceasefire from June 29 in the dispute in the Georgian autonomous region of South Ossetia , where heavy fighting had continued throughout June .
10 In his Sonnets Shakespeare achieved the rather remarkable feat of turning to new and individual ends a genre that had flourished throughout Europe for several centuries and was in effect beginning to die at the time when he wrote , in the mid 1590s .
11 Accumulated evidence from recent research , combined with ancient traditions , all help to build up the conviction that we are dealing with a real , but elusive , energy which people have recognized throughout history , and particularly at special places in the countryside .
12 ‘ Saxtet ’ are Nigel Wood , Andrew Tweed , Lionel Ferer and Gerard McChrystal , four young saxophonists , based in Birmingham , who have toured throughout Europe , to the US and the Caribbean .
13 As we have seen throughout section 4.1 , whatever their major business , all NBFIs maintain some stock of liquid assets .
14 It is the day when they stand in imagination at the foot of the Cross to witness the judicial murder of Christ , to remember their own failings and to anticipate the holiday — literally the holy day — for which they have prepared throughout Lent : the day on which they believe Christ rose from the dead .
15 Changes have occurred throughout prehistory , and there are important aspects for the local researcher to consider .
16 Initially hesitant on the turning pitches England have encountered throughout India , Hick clearly decided at Madras to be more positive and take the attack to the bowlers .
17 The wicked governments we have known throughout history are evidence of this .
18 It 's a scene that 's repeated throughout South Africa and here , as on many other occasions , violence is the inevitable result as police disperse the squatters with tear gas .
19 The survey found that numbers of Britain 's only native cat , Felix silvestris , have declined throughout Scotland , but most importantly in the north and west , where the cat is genetically purer than any other in Europe .
20 By contrast , Richard Smith and David Thomson have argued , on the basis of long-term demographic evidence , that forms of retirement have existed throughout history and ( particularly if one excludes the high birth-rate nineteenth century ) that there have been many periods in which a simple dependency ratio of the elderly to the non-elderly population has been high .
21 Cheeses have evolved throughout history and new varieties are still being made today .
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