Example sentences of "have [verb] [art] better " in BNC.

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1 The rest of Latin America has fared no better than Brazil .
2 But he has little hesitation in declaring that his successor as chairman of Esso has done a better job than he was able to achieve .
3 It is entitled ’ Myth of the tax rebels ’ and it says : ’ Over the last decade the Government has done a better job of blowing local authorities to smithereens than Guy Fawkes .
4 Willi has done a better job with Georg than I ever did with Peter .
5 Ian has made a better recovery than we dared hope , but it is still important that we do not take his fitness for granted .
6 ‘ In recent years the investment-linked scheme has shown a better return — around 15 or 16 per cent over the past five years , ’ says Feek .
7 The analysis of intergenerational redistribution ( whether , for example , the generation now retired has had a better or worse deal over their lifetime than those currently in the labour force ) poses still more severe problems .
8 It seemed that Smith has got a better image than the present chancellor has n't he ?
9 BRITISH Rail has promised a better deal for Teesside travellers .
10 BRITISH Rail has promised a better deal for passengers with a new timetable shake-up to take effect from May .
11 Who has played the better rugby ?
12 The way ahead for paleontologists trying to build up a knowledge of evolution has been spurred on by the revolution in plate tectonics , which has provided a better understanding of the stratigraphic record and fossilized data .
13 As Winston Churchill once said , parliamentary democracy is a very bad system — but no one has found a better one .
14 There are earlier Berman recordings of nearly all the pieces in this latest recital ; in no instance is the interpretation all that different ( though he has found a better edition of Funérailles ) and in most it is rather less satisfying .
15 ‘ He has proved a better confidential secretary than to give revealing answers , despite his weakness for the opposite sex — however beautiful , ’ Ven replied .
16 It is not schooling but a nasty little trick he has to get the better of me .
17 The one with the fine stripes looked slightly flashier , but he 'd made a better ironing job of the plain one .
18 I also thought I 'd written a better poem because I 'd struggled with the voice , forced myself to hear it again in my mind and to reply to it .
19 ‘ Well , goodbye , ’ he finished conventionally ; ‘ I wish you 'd had a better day . ’
20 When food got scarce , he 'd taken the better paid job of a Sweeper .
21 Not even for Christine , whom she 'd found distant and uninterested , as if in her mind she 'd created a better place and preferred to wander there .
22 Perhaps I should have formed a better plan ; perhaps I should have made instead for the Villa Diodati , to see if I could secure any friends and allies there .
23 I could n't have arranged a better still life .
24 I could n't have arranged a better still life .
25 If it were not , you may be sure that I would have arranged a better climate for the Brits than the Lord has seen fit to give them . ’
26 To his credit , he excoriated the lack of safety at the circuit , had the highest praise for the drivers who pulled Niki out of his burning car and did not even think in terms of his now enhanced championship chances , not only because he thought Niki would be back in Austria , but because he was honest enough to know that without the accident and Jochen having to re-start , he might himself have placed no better than third .
27 By that time , the RECs should have developed a better understanding of the market , and pricing policies to suit .
28 I do not blame the Opposition for not understanding the issues as fully as we might hope , but , given their new-found support and desire for everything European , I thought that they might have developed a better understanding .
29 But if he lied , saying that he came to Parfois with no felonious intent , and attacked only when he was surprised and frightened , Isambard would have won a better victory .
30 He could n't have picked a better place : laid to rest in Père Lachaise alongside such genuine nineteenth-century bohos as Gérard de Nerval , who took his pet lobster for walks in the Palais Royal and eventually hanged himself with a piece of string he insisted was the Queen of Sheba 's garter .
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