Example sentences of "have [adv] consider [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In certain cases the ordering of a retrial will be the appropriate solution where the damages appear excessive because the jury has taken into account irrelevant matters , or has not considered relevant matters ( Rubber Improvement Ltd v.
2 The correct factual position is as I said that er the County Planning Committee or the County Council has not considered that document .
3 But the Secretary of State has clearly to consider other aspects of the early release of a prisoner serving a sentence of imprisonment .
4 Since 1980 it has also considered new technology and long-term unemployment .
5 Neuberg ( 1989 ) is an author who has recently considered this type of work in detail .
6 Having already considered major or lexical word classes , we may here consider minor word classes ( " function words " ) : prepositions , conjunctions , pronouns , determiners , auxiliaries , interjections .
7 Having carefully considered all the alternatives it was decided that our staff would be invited to apply for one secondment to explore the area of school industry links , with an emphasis on the development of a partnership .
8 The CPS said yesterday : ‘ Having carefully considered all the available evidence the Director of Public Prosecutions has therefore concluded that there is insufficient evidence to provide a realistic prospect of a conviction against any individual for any offence . ’
9 The report added that the study had only considered 35-64 year-olds , and that " the estimated effect would increase dramatically if older age groups were included in the analysis " .
10 Madeleine had not considered that .
11 Such was the anticipation of a boy that the couple had n't considered any girls ' names .
12 Yet no-one else in the world had even considered such a blend , certainly not the Californians .
13 No one had previously considered this proposal and there was therefore no prepared group response .
14 On the other hand , the great majority reckoned that they themselves had taken the decision to use a particular type of credit ( regardless of whether or not they had seriously considered any other type too ) .
15 So er I 've never considered that .
16 The idea of doing research and pursuing an academic career was common ground to both of them ; indeed they had never considered any alternative .
17 We have already considered UK-owned TNCs but can now consider foreign-owned manufacturing plants .
18 We have already considered some of the evidence for the first prediction .
19 Confining our attention here to sub-aerial volcanic activity , we have already considered some aspects of the distribution of volcanoes at the global scale in the three previous chapters .
20 Whatever the situation , we always — always — have many different options , and sometimes we are stuck simply because we have not considered other alternatives .
21 Such general reviews as have been attempted have not considered all the evidence available .
22 These are just two reasons why an environmental impact survey is needed but the planning committee have not considered this .
23 Perhaps the Government have not considered those matters .
24 I have carefully considered all the comments submitted and I have today written to the sponsors of the applications separately , setting out my decisions .
25 6.1 We have now considered most of the major adjectival positions of English , with only the extraclausal to follow in Chapter 9 .
26 Subtitled ‘ The Colour Connection ’ she chose paintings by Titian , El Greco , Veronese , Rubens as well as Poussin and Cezanne , demonstrating an admiration and understanding of the tradition of painting which some have surprisingly considered surprising .
27 Neil Kinnock , who will make his keynote speech today , said last night : ‘ It 's difficult for people who have held an opinion for a long time , and possibly have n't considered all of the aspects .
28 ( We have here considered one velocity component , but eqn ( 19.2 ) provides immediate extension from the energy associated with components to the energy as a whole .
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