Example sentences of "in spite [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Death squad killings , ‘ disappearances ’ , illegal arrests and torture persist in spite of the Government and the Farabund Marti National Liberation Front signing the Agreement on Human Rights in July 1990 , under the auspices of the United Nations .
2 And all this , wrote Harsnet ( typed Goldberg ) , in spite of the awareness , always present , sometimes blinding , of the long perspective , the common fate of all , the eventual overheating of the universe or its eventual overcooling , the end of everything .
3 Certainly , in her classroom , sex was the topic on which she knew their vocabulary to be widest , in spite of the fact that it did n't receive the level of attention she insisted they devote to the subjects on the curriculum .
4 The beautiful step of the verse , the cogent movement of thought and feeling throughout , the sensitive perception of the little balanced in the great and their mutual dependence , the extraordinary directness , here and there quite naked , achieved in spite of the complexity of the whole conception ; …
5 In spite of the setback on the defence spending vote , Mr Kinnock later scored a further advance with the results of the national executive elections , which saw Ken Livingstone replaced by John Prescott , the party 's robust transport spokesman .
6 Professor Akira Fujiwara , an acknowledged expert on the Rape of Nanking who was called as one of the witnesses in the case , said that ‘ in spite of the government 's promise to correct bias in history textbooks , the screening system has actually got worse since the 1982 diplomatic protests .
7 In spite of the sharp recession induced by US economic sanctions , General Noriega has played a skilful game of counter-propaganda .
8 SCOTTISH , Welsh and Northern Irish athletes will be able to prepare for next January 's Commonwealth Games in Auckland at training camps in Australia in spite of the financial constraints which have imposed limits on the size of their teams .
9 Peter Brooke , the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland , said no major changes would be made to the UDR , in spite of the demands from the Irish government for a thorough review of its role .
10 In spite of the inexorable increase in the powers of the modern state , the judiciary had remained subservient : as executive-minded as the executive .
11 With both sides lacking penetration at 10 penalty corners , the deadlock remained unbroken in spite of the presence of two of the game 's outstanding centre-halves , Australia 's Warren Birmingham and England 's Jon Potter .
12 The penalty was imposed primarily as a result of evidence provided by the victim and in spite of the tenor of the earlier summing-up by the judge who had told the jury that it was dangerous to convict on the evidence of an alleged victim alone .
13 In spite of the risks , the challenge for hackers remains .
14 In spite of the mixed feelings that will undoubtedly be provoked on Tuesday night , Hamnett 's move should be assessed in a cooler and more general light .
15 IN SPITE of the rise in bank base rates and the Chancellor 's tough defence of his strategy at last week 's Blackpool conference , the pound has continued to decline .
16 More than 50 per cent of these enfants trovés perish in spite of the care that is given them .
17 Since beginning this letter I have been with Nansen in the Samara district , where the conditions are even worse than in Saratov , in spite of the very good work done by the ARA in Samara and by the Friends in Bouzoulouk .
18 Kingsley Barrett , the Methodist , whom Ramsey had chosen for the faculty at Durham , wrote of his belief that a special providence must watch over the Church of England to give them at least some good bishops in spite of the deplorable method of their appointment .
19 What is important to note , therefore , is that governments often abruptly or gradually change their policies , generally around the mid-term of Parliament , and that continuities occur in spite of the parties ' starting out with different policies .
20 But Mrs Thatcher was adamant about not reflating and this resolution , in spite of the sharply increased unemployment , was important in sustaining the government 's credibility .
21 In spite of the recession the PSBR continued to fall , though not as fast as had been forecast .
22 In spite of the overwhelming popularity of Ronald Reagan , surveys show that the American public consistently refused to support many of his programmes .
23 In spite of the shift to the political right there remains widespread support for state-funded programmes in education and health and for those which are targeted at the poor and the old .
24 Furthermore , this lack of a detailed history of Conservatism has handicapped the study of Thatcherism itself , for the absence of a clear historical perspective has ensured that , in spite of the proliferation of literature , the ideological origins of the Thatcherite Revolution remain obscure .
25 In spite of the work of Noel O'Sullivan , W. H. Greenleaf , and Anthony Quinton the notion has persisted that Conservatism is not an ideology .
26 perhaps the truth is that in the field of economic policy , Keynes 's preference for a managed economy aligned him with the new Liberals : hence the handsome tribute he paid to J. A. Hobson , in spite of the fact that he regarded him as mistaken .
27 Tanzania , in spite of the national rhetoric inspired by President Julius Nyerere , was also essentially authoritarian during Nyerere 's presidency .
28 The Senegalese political system has continued to be robust in spite of the country 's current grave economic problems , and in spite of secessionist pressures in the Casimance , the area of Senegal south of the Gambia .
29 In spite of the prevalence of economic planning in the 1960s and 1970s , it is doubtful whether a development policy has existed in most of Africa in the last twenty-five years .
30 In spite of the nationalizations of the 1960s and 1970s the stock of capital of foreign investors continues to generate about one-fifth of Africa 's gross national product .
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