Example sentences of "in the same issue " in BNC.

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1 Lo and behold , in the same issue at T.W.R 's moaning , I found 3 letters all in praise of Steffi .
2 In the same issue , it is reported that Sir Anthony Hidden 's investigation into the Clapham Junction rail crash criticises British Rail for not preventing ‘ commercial considerations of a business-led railway from compromising safety , ’ and asserts that excessive overtime should be ended , and that there should be curbs on overcrowding in trains .
3 In the same issue of the Lancet , Astra replied that Glaxo 's new test was scientifically unsound because it did not account for normal cell division ( which would also stimulate DNA synthesis ) .
4 It is interesting to note the oblique thrust of the Director-General 's comments in the same issue of the Journal regarding ‘ eloquent ’ speeches .
5 It is therefore ironic that the report which it unreservedly endorses and which appears in the same issue should perpetuate the thinking I seek here to expose as muddled and erroneous .
6 Attitudes toward science — also treated elsewhere in the same issue — and the apparently instinctive antipathy toward new ideas that do not fit readily into one 's established mental framework , continue to manifest themselves even in the context of the current technological age .
7 In the same issue of New Scientist .
8 A team of Boston scientists led by Stephen Hauser report , in the same issue of the New England Journal of Medicine , that a combination of immunosuppressive drugs can halt the progress of the disease in patients with advanced progressive multiple sclerosis ( vol 308 , p 173 ) .
9 J. A. Brink , from Paris , in a letter published in the same issue , is similarly vague , suggesting that the PWR has an availability of ‘ below 80 per cent ’ .
10 The guide to the River Irthing in the same issue failed to mention a 10m fall in its bombing range section below Forster 's Hill although it should be fairly obvious to anyone finding enough water to paddle this section .
11 I liked Mike Mill 's letter In support of estuaries in the same issue .
12 There was also a story from the Belle Vue fish show , in the same issue :
13 In the same issue the article on Tetras ( Tempting Tetras ) gives the impression that Cardinals are as easy to breed as Neons .
14 I think printing Hartley Peavey 's letter in the same issue as mine was maybe a bit of a gaffe — but I hope the local amp repairer does n't have a slip of the brain when he fixes your amp , or your local mechanic does n't connect up your battery in the car properly .
15 Although you advised readers to use blankets rather than duvets , another feature in the same issue had a photograph of a cot with duvet and cot bumper — inside was a six-month-old baby .
16 In the same issue of the ‘ Guardian ’ I cited above was a news report headed : Jail for PC who stamped on man .
17 An article in the same issue explained that The Observer accepted assurances obtained at three different levels from the ‘ security authorities ’ that they had no evidence that Sir Harold or his private secretary , Lady Falkender , had been a target for KGB blackmail or had been ‘ a plant ’ .
18 We are the best and worst band in the world … that was in the same issue !
19 When in the same issue the journal reviewed Why Men Forget we are reminded of just how many social melodramas there were for this film showed a Socialist spokesman being discharged from a factory and ‘ denouncing wealth in no uncertain terms ’ before inheriting wealth and marrying a society girl and finally deciding to return to the poor folk from whence he came .
20 In January 1941 , the local newspaper carried a description of the fires of London reflected in the southern sky , and in the same issue of the Bedfordshire Times it was reported that a member of the Area Guardians Committee had stated that a number of men employed as labourers on government works were being lodged at the Public Assistance Institution as casuals .
21 Your Big Mac index , and William Burke 's letter in the same issue about the yen-dollar exchange rate , brought to mind an explanation , which may be apocryphal , of how the exchange rate of ¥360 to $1 was arrived at during the occupation of Japan .
22 It is ironic that an article about mountain bikes on Snowdon appeared in the same issue ( May ) as glorification of Ed Douglas 's lamebrain driving .
23 A magazine with the vision to run these two very different pieces in the same issue , in the knowledge that they could both appeal to the same reader , deserves applause .
24 How could it be otherwise — when you have the likes of Amis , Barnes , Bragg , Keneally , Rushdie , among others , all in the same issue ?
25 In the same issue , however , there were a dozen advertisements for surgical appliances and five for abortifacients .
26 In the same issue , Rebecca West 's last salvo appeared after a final one from Eliot .
27 Three research groups recently announced — in the same issue of Nature — the discovery of the site of the genetic anomaly responsible for Myotonic Dystrophy , which is a major genetically transmitted disorder .
28 In the same issue the former FDLJ leader , Mohammed Adoyta Yussuf , now president of the FRUD , was quoted as saying that the FRUD " wishes to replace the tribalist regime of President Gouled with a government of national unity which represents equally the Issas , the Afars and other communities " .
29 Using the quotation for British Petroleum in the same issue of the r m S we observe a market model estimate of beta of 1.05 , an R2 of 19 per cent and a standard deviation of 35 per cent , and using this data a beta of 1.0897 is estimated , a small difference and well within the standard error limits of + - 0.2 .
30 Several elements of the answer come together in the paper by H. van Tilbeurgh and colleagues on page 814 ; this is a sequel to the same group 's report of last year ( Nature 359 , 159–162 ; 1992 ) , discussed in News and Views in the same issue ( page 107 ) .
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