Example sentences of "in line [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Below the vernier is an illuminated mute button which shuts down the output socket sited on the far right , so when the tuner is put in line between the guitar and amp it mutes the signal after the tuner , for silent tuning on stage .
2 The decline of the labour element in the SDLP in the North , however , does indicate a trend to the style of politics in the Republic , that is towards the suppression of class politics and identity in line with the dominant ideology of the alliance .
3 The letter continues : ‘ Any increase in connection and rental charges above the RPI will act as a disincentive to pensioners — since the state pension is uprated only in line with the RPI .
4 At last someone has had the nerve to bring the area in line with the rest of British climbing : no longer will it be a quiet backwater resigned to a few lines in the climbing press about some brilliant new VDiff on a puny little crag in the back of beyond .
5 The component of external field which is in line with the core axis either aids or opposes the excitation field in its alternating polarity phases .
6 The plan was put forward in Brussels last week in line with the mandate to orchestrate the aid effort given to the European Commission at a meeting of 24 Western nations in Paris in July .
7 Does anyone believe that , over time , the scholarships would keep in line with the fees ?
8 The money supply , measured by a broad definition , should only be allowed to increase at a stable and gradual rate , in line with the growth of the economy 's productive capacity .
9 Sooner , rather than later , Europe will be forced to bring the standard of its financial reporting in line with the rest of the world , not least the US .
10 This is still not an easy subject-matter — when the Royal Academy put together its recent retrospective of ‘ German Art in the Twentieth-Century ’ it dealt with the Nazi years by ignoring them altogether — a decision that put it in line with the orthodox view of the work 's quality and conveniently avoided the embarrassing possibility that these works — kitsch , sunlit expressions of heroic physical vigour and serene landscape — might still prove more popular than German expressionism .
11 In line with the government 's objective there was a reduction in the top ( from 83 to 60 per cent ) and standard rates of income tax ( from 33 to 30 per cent ) in the 1979 budget , and a shift to indirect taxes .
12 To the strikers this last step on the part of the union bureaucracy was in line with the rest of their action .
13 Pre-tax profit fell £4.1million to £12.2 million in the year to September 30 , in line with the severely-reduced expecations after the Cadillac Rubber acquisition and rights issue in July .
14 From next season an attacking player who is in line with the last defender when the ball is played up to him may no longer be offside .
15 But they might ponder whether such sentiments are more in line with the German and Japanese approaches that will probably dominate the 1990s rather than are their traditional capitalist values that have dominated the 1980s .
16 ‘ What has happened is that we have been clawed back from the disastrous level of whitefish we started at to a position in line with the top end of scientific advice . ’
17 The suggestion will be coupled with the proposal by the Scottish FA that a player no longer be offside if he is in line with the last defender when the ball is played .
18 While Mr Abalkin spoke eagerly of bringing the Soviet economy more in line with the international market , Mr Ryzhkov warned that increasing loans could increase economic and political dependence .
19 Within a few months of its publication the government had launched a huge inquiry into pensions which was to produce a series of changes — including the right of employees changing jobs to either take a pension with them , or leave it with the previous employer and have it uprated in line with the retail price index up to a maximum of 5 per cent .
20 It is either going to be physically rationed or price rationed … prices are too low anyway , since we still have to have an operating subsidy , and that is not in line with the long-term political trend … ’
21 The United States , for instance , idled 15 per cent of its total crop acreage in 1987 and 1988 in line with the Administration 's policy of reducing stocks , raising prices and conserving land at risk from erosion .
22 Every newspaper in Punjab and many outside have fallen in line with the code of conduct .
23 With CDM , the textures produce more clumpiness at large scales than inflation 's density fluctuations can provide — which puts them in line with the observations .
24 Michael Howard , the employment secretary , said the new total , at 525,000 , was in line with the ‘ interruption ’ in the decline of the jobless total .
25 Hints have been dropped that the two smaller islands , Shikotan and the Habomai rocks , might be returned — in line with the pledge that the Soviet Union made in 1956 but later withdrew .
26 Crime rose in line with the golden curve of affluence .
27 But it was a death in line with the pioneering Lord he followed ; a fitting martyr 's death for a very courageous man who found that God could be trusted with his weakness and fear .
28 We were in line with the Craven fault it seemed and in an electric storm the tower and all its domestic equipment spat and sizzled like a jumping cracker .
29 In line with the general emphasis on blood in the exilic Priestly tradition , tremendous importance was attached to the actual blood of the circumcision , and unless several drops of blood were seen to issue from the wound , the operation was deemed invalid and valueless .
30 The criterion for admission was not so much that traditions vindicated an apostolic authorship as that the content of the books was in line with the apostolic proclamation received by the second-century churches .
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