Example sentences of "in [art] police [noun] " in BNC.

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1 To cut from a model a few inches long to a close-up of a face — Harrison Ford in the police Spinner in Blade Runner — establishes an identity between them .
2 But it is of concern and I do hope that in the next forthcoming er house er when the the house sits in the forthcoming rounds , that they will be mindful of the representations which have been made nationally and that the Police service and the proposals contained , particularly in the Police bill , will not be fully implemented in the way that they 're currently proposed on the white paper today .
3 Once it has been established that the vehicle or its use is not exempt the type of motor vehicle should be described in the police officer 's statement .
4 The particulars should be entered in the police officer 's pocket book and followed by a question such as ‘ Have you any other test certificate for this motor vehicle ? ’
5 This fact can be mentioned in the police officer 's statement of evidence if he witnessed the offence .
6 This point is usually included in the police officer 's statement of evidence , e.g. ‘ The driver could not get a view to the front without first looking through the windscreen ’ .
7 This point can be proved by showing in the police officer 's evidence the actual situation regarding washers , i.e. whether any washers were fitted ; if fitted , whether there was any fluid in the reservoir ; or whether the jets were correctly adjusted etc .
8 ‘ being a class or description which he was authorised to drive by virtue of a provisional licence ’ By showing in the police officer 's statement of evidence that the provisional licence he held covered the class of vehicle he was driving .
9 Or a passage in the police officer 's statement to the effect ‘ As a result of what I said to him … he was unable to produce a driving licence for that class of vehicle ’ .
10 Namely , a sentence in the police officer 's statement of evidence to the effect that ‘ Should anyone come into contact with the jagged metal on the front nearside wing they would be injured ’ , or ‘ If a pedestrian collided with the piece of metal left after the front nearside wing mirror had broken off , he would be injured ’ .
11 This point can be proved by describing the vehicle in the police officer 's statement who is dealing with the case , e.g. ‘ I caused the defendant , John Smith to stop the Ford saloon motor car registered number … etc . ’
12 ‘ or disorderly behaviour ’ This point can be proved by a description in the police officer 's statement of evidence such as , ‘ I saw the accused push into a queue of football supporters ’ or ‘ I saw the accused jumping over flower containers in the Market Place ’ .
13 ‘ Property ’ is proved in most cases by describing it in the statement of the person to whom it belongs or in the police officer 's statement .
14 They are trying to suggest that erm , somehow this year we 're cutting the police budget , he seems to have forgotten that last year when he was chairman of the police authority , a three hundred thousand pound cut , a genuine cut was made in the police authority budget , budgets were cut to make up to make up to that three hundred thousand , at the discretion of the Chief Constable , and to the credit of Mrs , and her other colleagues in the police committee , virtually no attempt was made to make political capital at that time , instead of which now , when all we 've seen is a request for the Chief Constable to defer proposed new spending , all of a sudden this is presented as a cut .
15 The magistrate summarily tried cases in the police court , where the maximum punishment was three months imprisonment , twenty lashes , a fine of five pounds , or any two of the above .
16 A Sinhalese member of the Legislative Council thought that magistrates would have difficulties carrying out the spirit of the legislation : ‘ A crowd appears in the Police Court in the morning and unless plaints are presented and the names called out it will be somewhat difficult for the Magistrate to ascertain who are the people who have come to offer plaints and it will depend on some minor Court official or the peons as to who are admitted to the precincts of the Court . ’
17 But more than 100 holed up in the police headquarters in Srinagar .
18 On Jan. 22 two bombs exploded simultaneously in the police headquarters and court buildings in New Delhi , injuring 43 people .
19 Section 87(4) defines serious injury as including fracture , damage to internal organs , deep cut , impairment of bodily function ; ( b ) any complaint alleging the commission of certain other serious offences as listed in the Police Complaints ( Mandatory Referrals ) Regulations 1985 and including any serious arrestable offence , assault causing actual bodily harm and corruption .
20 27 Nov. 1981 ) coincided with the publication ( on 25 Nov. 1981 ) of the Scarman Report which recommended the introduction of an independent element in the police complaints procedure .
21 In most of the areas in which riots occurred there had been a breakdown in community/police relations ; the public distrusted the police and they had no confidence in the police complaints machinery .
22 But it has always been recognised that , where individuals desire that services of a special kind which , though not within the obligations of a police authority , can most effectively be rendered by them , should be performed by members of the police force , the police authorities may ( to use an expression which is found in the Police Pensions Act 1890 ) ‘ lend ’ the services of constables for that purpose in consideration of payment .
23 In the 1989 statement on Government expenditure they announced that the Home Office was to receive yet another increase in money to enable it to build two extra prisons , to set up 30 day centres for parole on probation , to recruit 300 more police officers in provincial forces , to employ an additional 1,300 civilians in the police forces and to make the Immigration and Nationality Department more efficient .
24 The transition to the new system went very smoothly , and those involved in the Home Office and in the police forces deserve congratulations on this significant achievement .
25 Concern about our motives in doing the research was combined with a feeling that it would do those participating in it little good , but would certainly benefit those in the police management and outside who wanted to do them harm .
26 Arthur flew to London and stayed in the police morgue a long time with the body that he knew as closely as his own , thinking of Fred 's splendid good nature , his tough-mindedness , and his humour about the absurd and even the terrible .
27 In order to continue postgraduate studies I had applied for some financial assistance for part-time fees , under a scheme created by the Home Office and set up specifically in recognition of a lack of higher educational qualifications in the police service ( HO Circular 29/74 ) .
28 There is lot of it about these days and not just in the police service .
29 Mr Roach stressed yesterday that his views were personal and were an attempt to defend the status quo in the police service .
30 In the police service there was no simple end to the day as there had been no simple beginning .
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