Example sentences of "have claimed that [noun] " in BNC.

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1 However , a report from the US Fish and Wildlife Agency has claimed that Japan is contravening its allowance .
2 An Italian newspaper has claimed that Frenchman Alain Prost has already signed to the Oxfordshire outfit next season … that 's a move which would upset Nigel Mansell … but team boss Frank Williams insists that no contracts have been signed .
3 In the first place , no-one has claimed that education is the only factor making for economic growth , and vice versa , no-one has argued that education makes no impact whatsoever on economic growth .
4 The province 's Forest Service has claimed that logging in Clayoquot Sound will be ‘ world class ’ and closely watched , but has yet to specify how that will take place .
5 Another witness has claimed that Macari once told him he could break any rule that he wanted .
6 Miss Bonham-Carter , whose great-grandfather was the Liberal premier , Lord Asquith , has claimed that Mr Farquharson , 27 , has pestered her for several years .
7 Trojanowicz , Director of the National Neighbourhood Foot Patrol Centre in Michigan , is so enthusiastic that he has claimed that community policing can help in the policing of international terrorism ( Trojamowicz 1988 ) .
8 Whether it could have claimed that New Zealand 's commitment to the subsequent treaty was invalid is much less clear .
9 Farah Aydid had claimed that relief aid arriving in Mogadishu was not reaching targeted populations .
10 Apple had claimed that Quorum had violated its intellectual property rights , while Quorum claimed it had avoided the infringement of any third-party intellectual property rights , including Apple 's .
11 The company had claimed that Mrs Ashgrove was replaced because of serious errors in her work .
12 Bouterse , who had claimed that Brunswijk was being held on drugs charges , complied with a government written order , and released the Jungle Commando leader on March 28 .
13 ( In January 1992 the USA had claimed that questions still remained about Iraq 's short- and long-range missile capabilities — see pp. 38742-43 . )
14 If some investigative journalist had claimed that Crabb died while making an unauthorised underwater inspection of the Russian cruiser he would have been ridiculed on the grounds that he had no proof .
15 In this he was probably hoping to answer those who had claimed that fear was the cause of his failure to appear during the campaign at Valencia .
16 Diplomatic sources in the capital San'aa , cited in the French press on April 19 , had claimed that Yemen had recently protested to Saudi Arabia over military movements by Saudi forces north of the border with Yemen — a border which had never been clearly delineated .
17 The visit was Saw Maung 's first foreign trip since the SLORC takeover in September 1988 ; reports in February 1991 had claimed that Myanma had agreed to purchase a large arms package from China [ see p. 38005 ] .
18 The government had claimed that Diouri had maintained illegal contacts with Libya and with Iraq while staying in France .
19 It is easier to understand the attractiveness of his doctrines for the mass of people if we bear in mind that Wycliffe had claimed that property was sinful .
20 While Arminius had not explicitly denied predestination , he had claimed that God 's grace could be resisted by the individual , that salvation was open to all men and women , and that it depended not only on faith but also on the individual 's conduct while on earth .
21 Noseir 's defence lawyer had claimed that Kahane , an ultra-militant Zionist leader , had been shot by one of his own supporters .
22 The company had claimed that sapele wood imported from Congo and Cameroon came from sustainable sources .
23 The group had claimed that drinkers would have to consume a ‘ not insignificant amount ’ of their 2.2 light beer before reaching the .05 blood alcohol limit set for drivers in NSW .
24 In an extensive interview published in the leading news magazine Veja on May 24 , Pedro Collor had claimed that Farias had pocketed US$15,000,000 of the US$100,000,000 election campaign fund and continued to broker contracts between private companies and the government , sharing commissions with the President .
25 The countess , 32 , of Jodrell Road , Bow , east London , had claimed that David Thorburn and Craig Cowen raped her at knifepoint while watching a pornographic video .
26 In September 1979 the Screamers , a female-dominated community living off the coast of Donegal , became aware of the nature of the prospecting going on in Donegal : IBM had claimed that month that it had encountered ‘ encouraging evidence of uranium ’ in Donegal .
27 Earlier reports on Sept. 7 and 10 had claimed that opposition groups had called for a popular revolt against Saddam Hussein , and had agreed on a plan for joint action , with plans for a government-in-exile composed of " various wings of the Iraqi opposition " .
28 The whole story is not yet known , although it 's claimed that North Korea er invaded South Korea er I sh I should take that as a hypothesis and not as a fact .
29 It 's claimed that people feel uncomfortable if they 're plunged into a group of people who are perhaps from a different social class or background say .
30 They have claimed that Sarah and Jane were barely troubled by the divorce as they were away at school , that Charles , aged four , was too young to understand while Diana , then seven , reacted to the break up with ‘ the unthinking resilience of her age ’ or even regarded it as ‘ fresh excitement ’ in her young life .
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