Example sentences of "have suffered from a " in BNC.

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1 Malawi , which exports normally about 40,000 tonnes a year , has suffered from a serious drought .
2 Past questionnaire research on the police has suffered from a low response rate ( for example , Policy Studies Institute 1983a ) .
3 Such success for developing countries is not always the case , even in the same industry ; Bolivia has had a sorry experience in trying to do the same as its Eastern rivals , but has suffered from a critical lack of expertise .
4 Torrance has suffered from a complaint called psoriasis in his left foot for some time .
5 Mr Appleby said : ‘ This is a long-established business with a reputation for quality workmanship which has suffered from a series of bad debts and disputed accounts . ’
6 ‘ Because the issue was public against private rather than the relationship between private and public , Britain has suffered from a less than fully productive public sector and a less than fully responsible private sector , neither of which were satisfactory engines for growth .
7 Our early encounters with power may have deterred us from ever wanting to use it in a similar way ; having suffered from a cold , distant father or a smothering mother , and inevitably having attributed power to these parents , we may well decide that power is a negative force and not for us .
8 This must not be dismissed as mere metaphor since it could also be true of the reader , for whom a health check might reveal their having suffered from a range of complaints in blissful ignorance .
9 The Tsarist system had suffered from a similar defect .
10 Two and a half years and four churches later my Dholuo had improved but my back had suffered from a fall through a ceiling and too much carrying of cement !
11 He reminded her of his father , who had suffered from a lung disease .
12 From when he was a young man , Dr Carrington had suffered from a chronic lung illness .
13 The tramways had suffered from a lack of maintenance , repair facilities being reduced by the manufacture of shells in Blundell Street Depot .
14 Many industries had suffered from a lack of investment during the depression in the 1930s and had been further weakened by the effects of the Second World War .
15 Again , we had suffered from a lack of screens to back the tables for display purposes and privacy .
16 On autopsy it was established that he had suffered from a very rare brain condition in which the thalamus progressively degenerated .
17 It will be remembered that during the last 30 years of life the King had suffered from a distressing illness that resulted in his being kept under guard and even put into a straight-jacket : if he had said anything about the origin of the instrument it is unlikely that much weight would be given to his words .
18 As a child she had suffered from a mild case of polio , which left one leg slightly shorter than the other .
19 The estuary group reported that the country 's 80 coastal estuaries and the wildlife which depends on them , particularly wading birds , had suffered from a lack of overall management .
20 He admitted that Unisys 's sales have suffered from a lack of confidence among customers about its financial situation .
21 Talking to regular BES investors it is soon apparent that most have suffered from a trading company failing in its early days .
22 The claim form asks Policyholders if they have suffered from a similar illness previously .
23 He supports the curtailment , apparently , of green-form advice , which I believe is largely motivated by the embarrassment which the Government have suffered from a number of very successful cases that have been mounted against Home Office decisions by law centres and legal aid practices throughout the country .
24 Throughout 1992 the brewing and distilling industries have suffered from a continuing slump in sales .
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